Chapter One: Welcome to My Life.

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I, Jasmine Levine, am a huge fuck up. Seriously though. Everyone knows me for that. I mess up every relationship, every damn friendship, just everything I get into. That is why I am the way I am now. I don’t give a shit what people think about me anymore and I just do me. Fuck Feelings. Fuck Emotions. What’s the use anyways? Feelings eventually fade. Emotions die out. So what’s the use? Fuck it. Fuck it all. 

Okay I totally made myself sound like a total bitch. I do have feelings I mean obviously I’m human. I just choose not to let them get to my head. Forget Yolo, it’s all about ‘Fuck it’ now. Yep that’s my motto that’s how I get through life. To be honest, I wasn’t always this cold wrench, but life does that to you sometimes. Let’s just say I’ve been let down too many times. Friends are backstabbers. Girls are bitches. Boys are cheats. That’s just the way things are. 

The turning point when I transformed from emotional sweet Jas to a heartless bitch, was well when Josh Melton did the most horrible thing a guy could do. Yes. He cheated on me with my best mate. Not only cheated. This was major cheating. It all happened at a party I threw last year. We all just had a get together at my place and suddenly I see Jessica Lark fucking my boyfriend on my bed. What the fuck, right? Hah. Jessica Lark ‘best friend forever’ MY ASS. And Josh Melton and Jasmine Levine ‘couple till we die’ FUCK THAT. 

Ever since that day I haven’t talked to neither Jessica nor Josh. And ever since then I don’t go into relationships anymore. I mean obviously I suck at relationships. All of my past relationships have failed and I even got cheated on. That's got to be some sign. I guess I’m not the relationship type person I always wanted to be. So now it’s all about hooking up and friends with benefits. Hell to the yes. 

Okay I know you’re thinking wow Jasmine is a total slut. It’s not called being a slut. It’s called meeting-my-needs-as-a-human-being-because-obviously-no-guy-wants-to-be-with-me-in-a-forever-type-relationship. Damn that’s actually a smart way of putting it. I do respect myself though. I don’t let guys toy with me. I do what I want then I’m gone. Okay if you’re thinking I am majorly fucked up, blame Josh. Really though. Amazing what one guy can do to you. I mean-

“Jasmine Levine! Young lady, come down here this instant!” 

Obviously my mother. Who else? Disrupting my thought process on a daily basis. Yup that's Mama Levine for you.

“Okay! Okay! I'm coming!” I yelled back. What does she want this time? 

I apathetically trotted down the stairs to where my mom was standing. Damn she looked pissed. She had an opened envelope in her hand while she glared at me with her dark brown eyes. I could so sense her anger. Oh Shit.

And then she opened her mouth and began, 

“Get over here right now. Come look at this paper! Just look at it! 2D's? 1F? And the rest C's? I expected more of you. These grades right here are horrendous, absolutely unacceptable! You were never like this. Never! You've always had A's and B's and now you end up with these grades?! You--” 

The door suddenly creaked open and with that my dad walked in. He looked at me then to my mother and when he saw the opened envelope in her hand he sort of endured a relieved expression, 

“So you told her yourself?” 

My mother replied by mouthing the words no. Like she thought I wouldn’t have noticed. Hah.

What the hell were they talking about? 

“Told me what?! What are you guys hiding from me?” 

My parents looked at each other and my dad sort of nodded. He then turned his head towards me and said, 

“Jas, we are sending you to boarding school in London.”


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