Chapter Twenty One. Expect the Unexpected.

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Zayn’s P.O.V

It had been a couple weeks since I’d seen Jasmine, and they were the worst weeks I’ve ever had to endure. I tried calling her several times, but I got no reply. I hadn't cheated on her. I would never.

Nobody believed me, not even the boys.

As my mind filled with thoughts Jasmine, I finished packing and set my bags at the door, waiting for the boys to come pick me up so we could travel to America for our tour.

Memories of Jas kept coming back to me, and all the pain I saw in her eyes when she had run away haunted me. I swear, the power this girl had on me was insane. I grabbed a cigarette and sat next to the window, slowly breathing the smoke in and out, trying to calm myself. I was such a worthless piece of shit. Maybe this was meant to be. She deserves someone better.

Yet, it was hard losing the best thing that had ever happened to me. I’d really loved her and now she was gone, just like that. I was still confused as to how that text got sent from my phone to hers. I knew it was something that slag, Flora, had planned, though. I wasn’t that stupid, and if the lads hadn’t viewed her as some innocent girl she’d made her self appear to be, then they would definitely believe me. Nonetheless, I don’t give a shit. If they weren’t going to stick by my side and trust me then they were nothing to me. I was alone in this.

I heard a knock at the door and quickly threw out my cigarette, grabbed my bags, and opened it, not bothering to greet the boys as I swiftly walked past them into the limo. Call me moody, but I had a right. I’d been framed for cheating and nobody believed me, not even my closest friends.

I took a seat in the back and directed my eyes to the floor. Liam came and sat next to me, I could feel him staring at me at some points in the ride, I could feel them all staring at me. It was getting so annoying, and my frustration took the best of me.  

“What?!” I looked up and said in a vulgar tone.

“Didn’t say anything mate.” Louis was the first to respond.

“I’m not fucking stupid, I know when someone is constantly looking at me.”

“Chill out, Zayn.” Louis said.

“Don’t tell me what to do, arsehole.”

“Zayn’s right!” Liam said nervously before me and Louis could start arguing.

“What he did to Jas was completely wrong.” Harry cut in.

“Shut up!” Liam exclaimed anxiously.

All eyes turned towards Liam.

“Look, we are all still confused about the incident. We know you loved her, so why would you-“

“How many times do I have to tell you till you believe me? I did not kiss Flora. That psycho wanted this to happen.” Why wouldn’t they believe me?

“The text came from your phone, Zayn.” Harry interrupted.

“I don’t know how Harry! There are some things I don’t get about this either. But if you lads don’t believe something so simple as the fact that I did not cheat, then I guess I’m going to have to figure this out on my own.”

“Guys, Zayn is right. Didn’t you guys see how much he loved her? It is highly unlikely he would do something to hurt her.”

“But he did.” Harry said bluntly.

“Whatever, Liam. Twats like them won’t understand.” 

“I believe you, Zayn.” Niall suddenly spoke up. “Come on, boys. We’ve known him long enough and you know that when Zayn’s in love he would never do anything to cause his girl pain.”

“I really didn’t cheat, guys.” I said overwhelmed.

“Well, we’ll just have to wait till Jasmine realizes that. We can’t do anything about it now that we’re going to America.” Liam said sternly.

“If she loves me, she’ll realize it.” I whispered under my breath.

Jasmine’s P.O.V

I drowsily dragged myself out of bed, ready to take on the first day back at school. Not. I was far from ready, but I had no choice. I quickly wore my uniform and ran downstairs to join my first class, English.

I could hear a couple girls giggling a few rows down from me, all staring at me. They were definitely talking about me. But, who cares right? Bitches gon’ bitch.

I rolled my eyes and looked towards the front of the class, where our teacher was standing. We started out the class by doing some out loud reading, then discussed some poems about love and shit, and then got assigned a five-page paper on an analysis of a poem of our choice. Well, damn, what a great way to start the day.

I attended my other classes until I had finally reached the last class of the day, mathematics, oh the torture. School was really helping me get my mind off things, until I kept hearing Flora giggle behind me in our math class. I was trying to get as much work done so I wouldn’t have any left to do tonight, but this bitch was annoying me, as always.

I tried to zone her out as I continued with the math problems, but that was impossible when I heard her say something unexpected.

“She totally doesn’t know I sent that text.” Flora told the slutty looking blonde haired girl next to her or as I like to call her, cake faced barbie.

“You go girl!  she whispered back. “Props to you for distracting him so Lily could steal his phone.”

“Quiet down!” The teacher said, as the girls quickly shut up and Flora slightly giggled.

I dropped my pencil on the floor out of surprise as soon as I heard what they had said.

Well, fuck. 


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