(24) Friends Forever [Last Chapter! :D]

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Chapter 24 [Last Chapter! :D]:

He was ok, just a few bruises. Storm wasn't ok, once Lucas was finished with him the other vampire prisoners had revenge. It wasn't a very pleasant revenge. They threw him in a pit of fire. He got his karma, right? For the guards, they ran away after being brutally beaten by 200 vampires. For my mum, she turned out ok. None of the vampires in the cell bit her. Phew. The Nelson's were fine too, Sarah was maybe a little traumatised.

That was then, now we're celebrating our victory. I've got my love and life back.

"Ash, what are you writing?" Lucas asks.

"Nothing, just doodling!" I lie. I sit next to Lucas, we listen to the loud music from downstairs.

"Doodler!" Lucas teases.

"Hey!" I say, giving Lucas a mock punch on the arm. "That's no way to treat your girlfriend!"

Yes. I said girlfriend. Me and Lucas are officially dating.

"Ash, Lucas!" Sarah shouts from downstairs. "We need you downstairs."

I don't care, they keep calling us. But I'm too busy kissing my boyfriend to listen.

                                                                           THE END! :D

[WRITERS COMMENT] Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Also, a sequel is coming out. But not for a long time. See yah around!

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