(14) Friends Forever

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Chapter 14:

"Oh, hello Ashley." Storm says. "Wait, you're a vampire too! You've got to be kidding me!" He laughs and laughs.

"It's not funny!" I scream.

"Can we cut the chit-chat?" He says, adjusting his tool belt. "I've gotta job to do here!"

Two people suddenly ran in and grabbed me and Lucas. I struggled to escape the slayers grasp, Lucas was doing no better either.

"Take them!" Storm commands.

"No!" Lucas interferes. "Take me, not her."

"Hmm..." Storm says. "Ok. Take the boy!"

"NO!" I yell, I fidget as I watched the men take Lucas away. "LUCAS!"

He looked back at me, a little smile appearing on his face. I treasure that smile, because it could be the last time I see him smile. Could be the last time I ever see him again.

"I love you too..." I mouth.

The slayer pushes me to the groud, then accompanies Storm. I just lay there, crying. I don't bother getting up. There's no reason to. They took my Lucas. And I can't do much about it. There's one of me, and about a thousand of them.

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