(13) Friends Forever

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Chapter 13:

I'm walking down Lucas's road, I didn't know if they were there our not. I knock on the door, it is long until someone answers.

"What are you doing here?!" Lucas urges to know.

"I'm here to help!" I reply.

I walk to the couch and sit down. I need to rest, I just ran for 30 minutes. My feet feel sore all over again. It's not soon until Lucas sits next to me.

"I told you to run!" He sounds outraged.

"I did run," I say. "All the way to your house."

"They'll be here soon." He says. "You made a mistake coming here, you know."

"It'll be worth it." I say.

"Yeah..." Lucas mumbles.

Suddenly there was a fierce knock on the door, they're here. Me and Lucas immediately get up. We exchange a warning look to eachother.

"I love you..." He says quickly.

I feel some kind of warmth in my heart. It feels weird, but a good weird. I can't say anything. I'm amazed. All of a sudden the door breaks down. We stare at the vampire slayer, Lucas looks bewildered. But I don't feel the same. This blonde haired, grey eyes vampire slayer looks familiar...

Now I remember who he is!

"Storm?!" I shout.

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