(22) Friends Forever

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Chapter 22:

I think I'm never driving again, I nearly crashed. I'm near the cemetery (Thank God), with only 15 minutes to spare. I'm nervous about what might happen. What if they've already hurt Mum? Or Lucas? All these questions linger in my head as I park the car. I hope I've made it on time. Once I walk to the entrance of the cemetery there are hundreds of vampires gathering. The Nelson family are huge. I spot Andrew in the crowd of vampires and run up to him.

"Andrew! Hey!" I shout.

"Oh, hey... Ashley." By the time I've reached him, he's scanned my whole body. "You look nice." He comments.

"Thank you! Can you help me gain their attention? I need to make a announcement." I say.

"Sure!" He says. "Everyone! Listen, it's time!"  He shouts.

Everyone turns to face me. "Please, stay together during this fight to save our loved ones! At the moment thought, everyone needs to split up to find an entrance to the slayers hideout!" All the vampires cheer and split up.

I take Sarah's hand and drag her along with me.

"Where do you think they could be? I bet you they're underground." Sarah says. "That's where I would hide!" The thing about Sarah is behind her fluorescent blonde curls, and smoking grey eyes. She is a total braniac. She could probably do my homework and I'm 6 years older than her.

"Argh!" Sarah screams.

"Sarah! Sarah, where are you?"

"I'm down here!" She says from a pit. "I think this is the entrance."

Everyone gathers around. "Open it then!" A man shouts.

I open the door and everything is pitch black. I look in my tool belt for a torch. I'm in luck. I grab the torch, turn it on, clutch Sarah's hand and lead the group of vampires down the mysterious underground lair. Soon light appers and we are finally in Storms hideout.


Friends ForeverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang