(1) Friends Forever

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Chapter 1:

Yes. You saw what I said. Don't deny it. I said vampire. Lucas Nelson is a vampire. My best friend is a vampire. Once you know it, it never leaves your mind. It will defintly never leave my mind since not long after. He bit me.

Yes, he bit me. Right on the neck. I think I may still have a scar, but most of it has faded. Anyway, Lucas Nelson bit me, Ashley Pierson, by accident of course. And turned me into a vampire. It wasn't as bad as I imagined. You get bitten, a second later all your blood is gone. So, me and Lucas are truly friends forever. Emphasis on the forever. Since, vampires live forever. Unless they get killed. So, now I have to be aware of vampire slayers, they're the worst. I came across one. Storm, he'd been at the school until he found out that he'd been actually sharing classes with a vampire. Some vampire slayer he is, they're supposed to be brave.

"Ashley!" My mum calls. "Lucas is here!"

"Send him up!" I tell her. And she does exactly so.

Lucas walks into my room slowly, making sure that he wasn't waking me up from any kind of sleep. Ha. I wish I could sleep with all these thoughts in my head.

"Hey Ash," Lucas says. "You ok?"

"I'm fine," I reply. Ok, maybe I was telling a lie, but I didn't want him worrying too much without me. "How was school without me?"

"Not as bad as I thought." He says. He lies down beside me on the bed, both of us staring at the ceiling.

"Too bad we can't go out somewhere till this flu goes away..." I say, with a sigh.

"Who says you can't?" He says slyly.

"Um... my flu?" I say, I think I know what he's thinking. And I don't like it one bit.

He did it. He lifted me from my comfy bed, from my relax spot and carefully jumped out the window. Strapped me into his car and drove off at full speed.

You got to love Lucas.

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