Le Night: Part Zwei

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It was one AM when I sat kicking my legs back and forth on the wooden bench. Tony and Mike had retreated into the car, most likely making out while they waited to go home. Kellin was in the bathroom while I stared at the night sky.

"Vic?" A voice I found all to familiar asked.

I turned around, not expecting to see that familiar tan face, that girl with long blond hair and pretty brown eyes. Not expecting to see Lila Flour.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Um, on a date?" She shrugged. "Am I not allowed to come here?"

"I'm just- Why are you talking to me?" First Ronnie, now her. I'd be damned if she apologized. Ronnie could change, I always had a bit of faith in him, but her? She had always been stubborn, a stubborn pretty girl.

"I just saw you and.." Her eyes trailed down to my arms. "So you've stopped?"

I grew unbelievably uncomfortable, and before I knew what I was saying, the words came out, "No thanks to you."

She scoffed. "Wow, how classy of you. It's not my fault you started." She took a seat next to me and nudged me playfully. "Who are you here with?"

"My brother, his boyfriend and my.. boyfriend," I mumbled meekly.

She scrunched her face. "So you're.. gay?"

"Pansexual," I corrected her.

"Uhhuh, right, whatever." She rolled her eyes and looked away as if she was trying to be discreet about it.


"Hm?" She glanced at me.

"Just, what do you want, I guess?"

"Can I not converse with an old friend?" Lila asked, a playful smile tugging at her lips.

"Friend?" I scoffed. "Sorry to kill your fever dream but, we were never friends."

"What do you mean?" She seemed generally offended and confused, earning more laughs from me.

"Lila, you and Ronnie made my life a fucking hell back in high school. You told everyone everything, we were never friends," I explained with a sigh.

"Wow, you're so dramatic," Lila scoffed.

"I'm dramatic?"

"It was just teasing!" She defended.

"Really? Telling me to 'be normal' and 'get over it' was just teasing? Spreading my secrets to everyone and making sure I was the new freak was just teasing?" I'd stood up and was walking away.

"Wow, some people never change," she muttered.

"Yeah, they really don't, do they?" I turned to face her. "You never did. You're still the same stuck up pretty girl I was head over heels with in high school."

"You're still the idiotic boy, no wonder you never kept a relationship before," she spat. And as if that hadn't been enough, she added, "Good luck with your new.. boyfriend. See how far it goes before he leaves you like everyone else."

She shrugged and walked away, leaving me alone in the dimly lit space.

Before he leaves you like everyone else

Like everyone else

I was just like I was after Harley died. It was my fault, wasn't it? She was so sick and tired of putting up with me, she just couldn't take it. I was at fault for her death.

"Oh my god..," I whispered, reaching for my hair to pull.

"Hey Vic!" That cheerful, happy voice greeted me. I wanted to smile at the sight of Kellin, he was beautiful and always made me smile despite any situation. But all I thought was him leaving me, like everyone else.

Sensing my distress, the smile on Kellin's face vanished. "What's wrong?" He took my hand.

"Nothing." I smiled, despite how exhausting it was to do so. I wanted to breakdown. But it was Kellin, I had to smile for him. "Let's get home." I turned around to walk back to the car, but Kellin grabbed me.

"Hey, I care for you, a lot, you know that?"

"Mhm," I mumbled, not making eye contact.

"Look at me." He lifted my chin. "I love you."

Staring into his green-blue eyes, and hearing those familiar words, I fell apart.



Headache, so fun. I-I-I-I've got a migraine

Hydrate before you diedrate
Diedrate or dydrate?
Mmm I say penis
Okie dokie dokie literature club


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