Stay Away From My Friends

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Literally nobody reads this but I don't care it's too fun to write; more than I thought writing fan fiction would be.

Kellin's POV

I sat in anticipation, waiting to be called by that boy. Vic, that was his name, right?

He was cute, shy, and short; my type. Yeah, and I'm a bit horny.

I didn't get a call, though. I just sat there the rest of the night, The Scorch Trials playing on my TV, with no call from Vic.

Monday, though, I rushed up to Jaime.

"So, Vic."

"Yeah, what about him?" Jaime asked.

I shrugged. "He seems cool; saw him at the party last night."

"Yeah.." He seemed wary. "Look, Kellin, if you want to.. do anything with him, he's not the guy."

"Why not?" I pouted.

"He's—" He sighed. "He's shy, antisocial—fragile. He has a past, is my point, and he's my friend. I don't want to see him hurt."

"And how would I hurt him?" My tone was harsher, defensive.

"You're a great guy, Kellin, believe me. But Vic isn't looking for a one night stand, or to be lead on. He needs someone, someone who'll commit, who'll help him with whatever the hell he's hiding," Jaime explained.

I nodded, reluctantly. "I don't lead people on, though!"

Jaime looked at me, raising an eyebrow before laughing. "Really? Last I checked, the last guy you had a fling with ended up in tears over you telling him it was just sex; nothing more."

I pouted. "I didn't think he thought of us as an actual.. thing." I still felt bad about it. I didn't think he'd end up so hurt by it. But he should've seen it coming. Look at me; I go to most every party I can and hook up with random guys. Maybe it's not healthy, but its whatever. But it's me. Its what everyone knows me for. I tell myself it was his fault, even if I wish I could've changed things to end differently.

"Whatever, man, just if you want to have a thing with Vic, be careful," Jaime told me before walking into his first class.

Vic's POV

I almost burned the sheet of paper Kellin gave me. I'm good. I didn't though. Instead I set it on my counter and went to bed. Let him sit and wonder why I didn't call.

School Monday went by agonizingly slow, as always. I don't know why I went. To make my parents think I was doing something? That I still had a bit of worth? Or I wanted to get away? From them, from my old town. Or maybe I had nowhere else to go. I drop out of college, that's it. My parents won't allow me back home. I'm on my own.

I want to sleep. All day. In my room, holding my guitar like a stuffed teddy bear, and fall asleep. You'd be surprised by how cuddly guitars are. They're actually a bit comforting to hold or fall asleep with. Maybe it's just me being me, weird, stupid me, or maybe I'm right.

Either way, that's what I want. Instead I sat in class till the final bell rung and I was off to my apartment. Before I could leave, though, someone stopped me.

"Vic?" Ah shit.

"Kellin!" I smiled. Maybe it was obvious it's fakeness, maybe I'd grown in experience. Either way, I wasn't nearly as happy to see him as I pretended to be.

"Hey, how are you?" He asked.

Oh you know, slowly realizing my despisation of the act called: 'Breathing'. "Great! You?"

He gave me a look. Please don't be on of those people, I thought. "Pretty good, what're you doing tonight?"

I shrugged. "Homework; gotta baby sit some kids." Obviously I didn't. But I didn't want to hang out with Kellin, which he seemed to be hinting he was planning at.

"Oh, good luck," he said.


"I'll see you around then?" He asked, almost hopeful.

"Yeah, I guess. See you around." I turned and left. God.. I just wanted to get home. I just wanted to.. No. I made a promise. To Mike. I couldn't break that.

Ugh it's so addicting to write this but it's manly shit.

Have a great day fetus's and old ones.

Stay salty,


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