Le Night: Part Ein

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People care too much.

People complained about being lonely, having no one. I wanted that. I hated having people in my life that gave a damn, it made it all the harder to let go.

I stared at the bridge we were driving over, and despite the familiar enticing fantasies of myself jumping off it, I thought of Kellin, who sat across from me. I couldn't leave the beautiful raven haired boy, or my brother, who sat in the back with his boyfriend.

I couldn't look at simple objects the same anymore. It could be as simple as vitamin pills, but I'd only think of a line I read somewhere, "You can overdose on anything if it's enough." Which is possibly, probably, true. But I'm no expert in anything medicine related.

I shook the thoughts from my head and turned to Kellin, admiring his features. He was focused on the road, not noticing me staring.

How I got him, I don't know. All because I ran into him at a party. Fuck, I'd have to thank Jaime for making me go out for once.

I looked down at my arms that, for once, were uncovered. It'd been two months; the scars were still there, open to the whole world, but I didn't mind as much. They were healed.

"We there yet?" Mike whined from the backseat. Tony was laying his head on his lap and tracing Mike's face.

"Five minutes!" Kellin shouted back. "Go back to making out with your boyfriend and stop whining to me."

I couldn't stop the smile that grew on my face while I looked at Kellin. I felt like a teenage girl with puppy love for some guy, but I was so infatuated with him.

"What's got you so giddy?" Kellin teased, pushing me lightly.

"You," I responded simply.

Kellin chuckled and continued driving. Soon enough, we arrived at the mystery place Kellin and Mike had insisted so heavily they take me and Tony to.

It was a restaurant. To the right was a dance floor, some lights, and people talking amongst themselves. Quickly, Kellin was out of the car and rushing to my side.

"Come on come on! Let's go!" He spat out quickly, grabbing my arm

"Okay okay!" I chuckled and stumbled out of the car.

He dragged me into the restaurant, Tony and Mike coming in at their own pace. Kellin spoke with the employees, their conversation a blur to me. soon enough, though, I was brought to a four person table. I sat beside Kellin, Tony and Mike filled the other two spots.

"I heard bands play outside on the stage?" Mike asked us. I shrugged, not knowing a thing about this place, including it's existence until now.

"Yep," Kellin said, giving Tony a look. I glanced between the two of them. I looked at Mike, but he was oblivious to their behavior.

"Hello, my name is Allison, and I'll be your server for tonight. Do you boys know what you'd like to drink?" A waitress asked, pulling out a notebook and pen.

Mike started, "Coke, please."

"Uh, Sprite," Tony answered, next in line.

The waitress looked to me. "Diet Coke."

"And for you?" She looked at Kellin after jotting everything down.

"Just water."

"Okay!" She walked off with our orders, and I leaned on Kellin's shoulder.

"I'm so sleepy..," I whispered.

"You're always sleepy," Kellin chuckled and kissed my head.

"Mm, sleep with me," I mumbled.

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