chapter 11: relations

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"Who is sugou?" Raichi questioned, as Marien gave a confused look, and mad at the same time, "you told me that your daughter will marry my son, but i see... she didnt agreed, and she has a boyfriend." Kyouko smiled at them "no, that is one of our maids, my daughter is really nervous, and i can assure that my daughter is faking her relations with that boy, because she is definitely nervous, thats all..., now,may we continue this tommorow, cause my daughter is very tired earlier..."

Marien gave a suspecious look, but smiled "ok then, kyouko-san, dont let us down, im expecting a lot of things for my son, and also my future daughter-in-law."

Kyouko agreed, as she made the maids court them outside. Kyouko gave a cold look, and opened the door to the dining room, just in the right of the living room, where she saw asuna, asleep at kazuto's arms, sitting at the dining chair, wih a tear on her face. Kyouko widened her eyes, as she moved forward to them, and striked kazuto's shoulders, making him get pushed.

"You!, you stay away from my daughter! Youre making her life worst! This, this marriage lies in our company, and you are interferring!" Kyouko panted, getting air, making kazuto shocked, and angry as well, asuna began to stroke her eyes, and lift them up, what she saw was her mother, in rage.

"Dont hurt him!" Asuna hugged kazuto, as her mother widened her eyes. "Asuna, listen, youre going to get married, next week!" "No!" Asuna talked back, "that is sugou's cous-". "Sugou! All of your excuses! Sugou! That damn! Sugou!", asuna flinched, she put on a cold face, "im saying the truth, mother, he is sugou's adoptive cousin, you dont believe me?, look at the way he looked at me! And to kazuto-kun! His eyes are filled with lust, mother!"

Asuna grabbed kazuto's arms, as kazuto gave a yelp, "get back here young lady!" Asuna pretended she didnt heard that, as the two couple ran away from the mansion.

Asuna and kazuto stopped at a playground, asuna in tears, she cant help herself, she cant stop the tears, she cant fight her mother.

Kazuto wiped her tears, as he kissed asuna's fore head "asuna, stop crying, please..." asuna sniffed, kazuto smiled "youre not beautiful when you cry, c'mon, smile, smile my angel. For me?" Asuna blushed, brushed her eyes, and smiled, at kazuto.

Kazuto chuckled, as he grabbed asuna from the waist, and his fore head to hers.

"See, youre beautiful when you smile, you know what?"


"This playground is similar to the one back home, where i fetch you, where we spend our small times together."

Asuna nodded, as kazuto smiled.

"Dont worry! I promise you! Ill do anything tommorow, just to stop that meeting, cause..."

Asuna questioned. "Cause?"

"Cause, your only mine." He pulled her waist, as he slammed his lips unto hers, asuna yelped and flinched, but she relaxed a bit, they were kissing passionately, their love was so strong, asuna pulled back, but kazuto pushed his tongue, their tongues were battling in dominance, kazuto broke the kiss, and smiled. 'I really love him so much, i wont leave him, ever.' Asuna smiled, as they hugged each other. And went back to the mansion.
Yep, thats it, im gonna think of a better drama next sunday! I promise!

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