chapter 23 - who are you?

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((so yeah, the man here would be wearing a bird just kidding! 😂 , so yeah, im about to sleep but i shall update this one first. :D ))

Suguha's POV
i saw a black figure standing beside a tree and looking at me, its dark outside so i cant see his face, he brought his point finger up to his mouth, i didnt quite understand it but a truck passed by and in a blink the man was gone, i panicked and got frightened, i went down seeing aunt midori downstairs watching the television, "wheres onni-chan and asuna-chan?!" i asked in a panicked way "why? what happened" suguha frowned and let out a confused look and giving out random expressions "ill tell you later, first, where is onni-chan and asuna-chan?!" midori sighted in defeat as she told them that theyre now sleeping at kazuto's room.

i went up to to onni-chan's room, i knocked but no answer, but its unlocked thought, onni-chan never locks it "im coming in, excuse me..." i opened the door, it was dark, i flicked the switch as the light turned on, what i saw was onni-chan hugging asuna like there was someone whose going to take her away from him, theyre all warmed up, their blankets toes to cheeks, what im seeing was so cute but hurtful sight to see since i have feelings for onni-chan. i shake-d my head and woke onni-chan up "onni-chan! wake up!" kazuto groaned and opened his eyes and rolled his eyes to his sister/cousin with a frown on his face "shh.., youll wake asuna up" with that, i looked at asuna-chan who is sleeping peacefully and comfortably "s-sorry.." kazuto brushed his eyes with his available hand and asked suguha "what is it-" no second to waste, i cutted kazuto's questions "i saw a man in a suit staring at me at my window." kazuto widened his eyes a bit "hm? a stalker?" suguha shook her head left and right "no, he doesnt look like one, hes like in his 20's" kazuto widened his eyes completely and rested asuna's head at his pillow "n-no way.." kazuto looked up to his window and saw a man looking at him, he knew that the man was smirking, kazuto told suguha to turn off the lights quickly, suguha did what his brother said and sat to the side of the bed "w-whats going on?, onni-chan?" kazuto brushed off the strands of hair that is blocking asuna's face "that is asuna's previous suitor, he wont give up until he gets asuna...and hes also sugou's cousin." my eyes widened "s-so thats the reason why she is staying here?" kazuto nodded "i will stay awake, go to your room and rest, tell oka-san to shut every door and windows." i nodded, i just cant say 'no, ill stay' to a situation i barely knew what to do, i went back to my room and double locked the window and fixed the curtain, i stared at my ceiling and fell asleep a few seconds

Kazuto's POV
'w-what am i gonna do now.. now that he is here..' my thoughts began to scramble, i looked at asuna who was sleeping peacefully 'what will happen if asuna knew? will she get scared and remember the torment sugou did to her?' i looked at asuna worriedly "i will protect you, like i promised." i mumbled gripping on asuna's hand as she smiled from her sleep "what are you dreaming right now, asuna? is it happy?" i smiled and relaxed my back a bit looking at the clock to see what time it is, i looked at the window again, no sight of him... 'maybe he wont show up, its impossible to break in this house with bare hands or a crowbar." i said whispered, i slipped my arm on asuna's head for her pillow, i threw the blanket at us, slid her head to my neck and my legs on top of her legs, my other arm hugging the blanket which is where her hips are, rested my chin to the top of her head and closed my eyes "good night, asuna, dont worry, nobody is going to take you away from me." i mumbled and fell asleep.

((so, i will also go to sleep. goodnight kazuto-kyun and asuna-chan :D ))

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