26 - Series Finale.

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"Tom?" I leant my head on his shoulder as we sat on the beach, looking out to the ocean.
"Hmm." He said, leaning his head on mine.
"I'll miss you when I move." I said.
"I'll miss you more." He said and grabbed my hand.
"Promise to keep in touch forever?" I asked.
"I promise." He said.
"We better be friends forever." I laughed.
"We will be." He said. I sat up and looked at him straight on.
"I love you." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.
"I love you more." He smiled and brought me in for a hug.
"Forever." I said softly.
"I promise." He said.

We walked to the nearest supermarket, and in our bathing suits and sandy feet, we got a shopping trolley - which I jumped into of course - and we set off to find everything we needed for our night on the beach. Harrison swerved the trolley, and me, around into the different aisle's while the boys threw stuff in that we needed. Blankets, pillows, mats, drink cooler, food cooler, beer, salad's, crisps, marshmallows, scures, other random snacks, logs for a fire, matches, fire starter, a speaker, then we curved into the technology section and we all bought crappy camera's and then I bought a Polaroid one with a ton of film. We paid for everything which came to more than £150 but it was going to be worth it. I began to get out of the shopping trolley when Harrison just lightly pushed me back in. We were going to steal it.
"Are you sure?" I asked, looking around.
"Yeah just run." Tom said.
"Be careful." I said to Harrison.
"Go!" Sam shouted and Haz started running with me in the trolley, crashing around with all of the stuff we had bought.
"HEY! GET BACK HERE!" We heard a worker shout. I looked behind me and Tom and the boys were running as fast as they could behind us, not looking back, with huge grins on their faces. The wind caught my beachy, sandy hair as I looked back and Tom smiled widely at me as I laughed. It was like we were in a teenage romance movie during the montage bit in slow motion, and I loved it. The blue sky was turning orange and pink and I turned around and threw my hands in the air and screamed. The boys joined me in the whooping and cheering.

We finally got to the secret beach and I got out of the trolley and we all lifted it across the sand to the spot we wanted. A few metres away from the water which was soon to be going out. We unloaded everything and while I set up the seating area like a pro, Harry took pictures, Tom and Haz set up the fire and Sam and Tuwaine got all the food out. We had all finished our set up and the fire was started. We all sat on the blankets and pillows around the fire and were handed beers by Tuwaine and then salad's by Sam who had made them a little nicer.
"Cheers to this new chapter of our lives." I said with a smile.
"Cheers." The boys said. We all clinked our bottles and drank and ate. The sun was nearly at the horizon line and the water had moved out farther. I sat up from Tom's embrace and the cozy blanket and took off my skirt.
"I'm going in." I smiled.
"Come on!" I exclaimed and the boys all jumped up and took their tops off and we all started running to the water - which took longer than I would have hoped but ah well. I jumped onto Tom's back and he ran us both into the water and threw me off his back. We all laughed and splashed around like kids in the sea for a while. Then the rest of the boys decided to head out apart from Tom who swam closer to me. I hugged him as best as I could underwater. I massaged his wet curls and he tightly squeezed me closer to him.
"Get on my back." He said. I clambered around him and finally got on his back. He turned so we were facing the sun instead of our set up and the sun had hit the horizon. The sky was orange next to the sun, then it faded to pink, then lilac, then dark purple and then deep blue where you could see every star in the sky. "Wow." Was all I could say.
"I know." Tom said.
"This has been the best trip ever." I said into Tom's ear and kissed him right underneath.
"It has." He said with a smile. I drifted off his back and swam on my own to face him.
"Why didn't we do this sooner?" I asked. "Come to Italy? I don't think we ever-"
"No," I chuckled.
"Why didn't we say how we felt earlier?" I asked. Tom paused.
"I was too scared to ruin anything." He said.
"I should have kept in touch with you."
"It's not your fault. We were in 6th year, we were stressing out about our grades and our lives." Tom shook his head.
"I know but just because I didn't see you all the time anymore didn't mean I could just stop talking to you."
He sighed, "Maybe. But who cares? We're here now." He pulled me in by my waist.
"And I'm not letting you go." He smirked and kissed me. I hummed in his mouth as his lips pressed lightly against mine. Our lips were open and our kisses were deliberate and soft.
"I love you so fucking much." Tom said as we broke apart. We pressed our foreheads together.
"I love you more." I smiled.
He shook his head. "Not possible."
I took a deep breath. I could only hear the waves of the sea and the sounds of the water clapping when we moved and Tom's breathing. I felt the cool water on my body and the soft, ocean breeze in my face. I smelled the sea and alcohol off of Tom breath and my own. I leant my head back, arching my back as Tom's hands held onto my waist tightly. I lifted my arms up and put them back and they traced the water. I looked at the stars and wondered if anyone was watching us.
I don't know if I believed in heaven or hell or if anyone was watching over me. But in that moment I did. Someone watching over us, remembering their early 20's and their rebellious acts and the nights that they'd go out and do whatever they wanted without having any consequences.
Then I remembered us. Tom and I. We had known each other for our whole lives. And we had promised each other that we would be together forever - friends or a couple. And we kept those promises.
"What are you thinking about?" Tom asked softly as he held me in place. I paused and sat back up, wrapping my arms around his neck, feeling the water wrap back around us. I felt like it was just us. It was just us in the sea. It was just us on this beach. It was just us in the world. I wanted us. I wanted him. I wanted a life with Tom.
"You." I answered.

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