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"You're going to Thailand?" I said slowly, trying to comprehend the fact that Tom had just told me

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"You're going to Thailand?" I said slowly, trying to comprehend the fact that Tom had just told me.
"It's really far away but Mum said that we can call each other!" He said and took my hands in his.
"We won't ever stop being friends Blair. Don't worry." He wiped away a tear coming down my face.
"Even if I'm halfway across the world." He smiled.
I sniffed, "You better take me to the premiere." I giggled.
"Of course I will! Who else would I take? Haz? No way."
"Yeah I'm way cooler than Haz." I laughed. "You are." He chuckled.
"Promise to stay friends?" I asked and held out my pinky.
"Promise." He smiled and we shook our pinkies.

Tom's POV
We were all in the pub having a drink apart from Paddy, Mum and Dad who went home after the Ambush game. Our team had to pay for Blair's team's drinks. We got a drink and were sitting around a circle table, chatting amongst ourselves.
"Blair?" We turn around and Daisy is there with Andreas.
"Hey guys!" Blair laughed and got up to greet them.
"You guys look like you've been doing illegal activities, should I be worried?" Daisy laughed. "No, we were playing the annual Ambush game!" Blair said.
"Oh my god! I remember those! Our team would always win." Daisy said to me.
"I know! But sadly Blair's team won so we bought them all drinks." I said.
"Ah I see." Daisy smiled.
"Join us, I could use another girl." Blair said and got a chair for Daisy.
"Yeah mate come and sit, we didn't really get to know each other." I said and I got Andreas a seat. He was so cool. Why was this guy a PE teacher? He looked like Flynn Rider to be honest.

We were multiple drinks in and we were playing never have I ever.
"Okay, never have I ever peed myself over the age of 12." Daisy slurred. Harry and Tuwaine put their fingers down.
"Eww!" We all said in unison.
"What! When you gotta go, you gotta go." Tuwaine said.
"Never have I ever had sex in a public place." Haz said. Daisy, Andreas and Blair put their fingers down.
"Oh my god!" Blair laughed at her sister and soon to be brother-in-law.
"We're getting married! That's fine! When did you have sex outside?" Daisy laughed.
Blair shrugged, "I never kiss and tell." She smirked. So she wasn't just being tempting earlier on. She actually has fucked someone outside.
"Give us a detail!" Haz said.
"Okay, it was on my 18th birthday outside of the club me that my friends were at." She hiccuped.
"I was there! How did I not see you?" Daisy asked.
"You met Andreas there!" She said louder than needed.
"Oh yeah!"
"Anway, it wasn't a special guy. He was my friend who I ended up liking after that incident and then he called me a slut and left." Blair laughed inappropriately at her own story. That's why she didn't like our kiss. She was scared that I was going to do the same as this guy she liked.
"IT WAS NATHAN?" Daisy practically screamed. I was clearly the least drunk person out of everyone here. Great.
"Shh! Yes, it was Nathan." She rolled her eyes and took a sip of her drink.
"Aw he was sweet. I'm sure he's some junkie on the street now though." Daisy shrugged. "Probably." Blair said.
"Guys, I'm heading home." Harry said and got up.
"I'll come with." Sam said and joined his twin. "Anyone else? Bearing in mind that it's 2am." "Yeah I'll come too, I don't want to be super hungover." Harrison said.
"I'm not third wheeling these two so imma head with you." Tuwaine said and patted me on the back. Blair giggled and sipped her drink. "We'll head too guys, it was so nice seeing you Tom and Blair we're doing wedding planning on Wednesday nights now." Daisy said.
"Okay dokey." Blair smiled and the couple left the bar, leaving Blair and I.
"We should probably go too." Blair said. "Yeah." I sighed and got up.
"I have to pee then I'll be back." She smiled and went to the toilet. This was bad. I was here alone with Blair and we both had had drinks. This isn't going to go well!
"I'm back, there's no soap." She grimaced. "Lovely." I chuckled and handed her her jacket. "Thank you." She said and she wrapped her arm around mine and we set off.
"My place or yours." I asked.
"Uh...I don't mind, I don't have work tomorrow anyway cause it's Saturday!" She said excitedly. "So...mine?"
"Yeah." She smiled. We walked for a bit in silence when I remembered that it was her birthday soon.
"You're going to be 23 next Friday. How do you feel?" I joked.
"Sad that I can't sing Taylor Swift's '22' without feeling old ever again." She sighed.
"Oh well." I shrugged.
"I don't have anything planned but I just want a casual get together at mine. But I am working on Friday so."
"Why are you working on your birthday?" "Because I am a nurse Thomas. And I want to see Vanessa anyway." She said.
"True. Well, I'll plan your birthday. You're busy enough as it is." I said.
"Thanks Tom." She smiled and flashed her brilliant white teeth at me and then giggled.

We made it home and everyone was chilling in the living room, even Paddy was there.
"Hey guys." I said and took my shoes and jacket off and so did Blair.
"Hey." They all smiled weakly.
"What's up?" I asked and we sat down on the couch.
"We got a call from The Russo's. They said you weren't picking up your phone." Mum said in a serious tone.
"Oh it's out of charge. I'll call them in the morning." I shrugged.
"No need." She crossed her arms and I looked at everyone who looked mad. Except from Blair and I who had no idea what was going on. "What?" I asked.
"You start filming in New York in two weeks." Mum said. Oh shit. I forgot to tell people that. I also forgot that it was even happening.
"Oh my god guys, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I completely forgot!" I apologised.
"You forgot that you were moving to a different country for 5 months in 2 weeks?" Dad asked. "5 months?" Blair exclaimed and looked at me. "I'm sorry I didn't mention it but I do this all the time! It's my job!"
"Tom you're leaving in 2 weeks for 5 months and you didn't tell me?" Blair asked. She seemed hurt. Fuck.
"I just didn't want this period to end." I said quietly.
"What period? The period in your life where Blair comes back so now everything's fine?" Haz said.
"What? Blair has come back and reconnected with us all, okay Haz." I said and he shook his head.
"You forgot to tell your family because of me?" Blair asked.
"I...I didn't want to ruin what we have." I said to Blair.
"Wait what? Are you guys together?" Harry asked.
"No! We're not! I don't know why you couldn't have told me or anyone else!" Blair said. "Because the last time you moved away we stopped talking forever. And now I'm the one moving away!" I blurted out.
"You're scared of us not being friends? Tom we have phones and we can facetime. It'll be fine." She said and layed a hand on mine.
"Okay." I said and gripped her hand.
"Okay." She smiled.

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