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"Tom this is too high!" I said as we climbed the spiders web together in the park

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"Tom this is too high!" I said as we climbed the spiders web together in the park.
"No it's not! Don't panic Blair." He said and kept climbing.
"Tom I'm scared! I don't want to go higher!" I shouted. My eyes filled with tears.
"Blair don't cry! We can go down now, okay? I've got you." Tom held my hand as we climbed down the spiders web. We finally hit ground again and Tom held me by my shoulders.
"You're on ground again B." He smiled and wiped away my tears.
I chuckled. "Stop trying to be spiderman all the time Tom. You could really get hurt." I said.
"I won't get hurt. And neither will you. I'll always protect you! I'm spiderman!" He exclaimed with his arms out.
"You promise you'll always protect me?" I asked. Tom straightened his posture like he was about to salute.
"I promise." He held out his pinkie. I shook it with mine.

"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!" Was that Tom? I smelled a cooked breakfast and when I opened my eyes I saw all 6 boys piled into the small guest room.
"What the hell?" I laughed and rubbed my eyes as I sat up.
"We're having a cooked breakfast! Come on!" Paddy said enthusiastically.
"Okay, okay! Give me a second to wake up first. And get out my room!" I laughed and shooed the boys out my room. I got up and put my hair back up into a messy bun. I was still wearing Tom's dorky Spiderman shirt too.
"Nikki!" I shouted. "Yeah?" She came to the door.
"Do you have any shorts?" I asked.
"They're all small for me so they should fit you, give me a sec." She left to get me some shorts so I went into the en-suite bathroom and washed my face to wake myself up.
"Here you go hunny." Nikki layed the shorts on the bed and left, closing the door behind her. I looked at them. Jesus they were small. I put them on and looked in the mirror. Yikes. I tied a hoodie around my waist and came into the kitchen.
"Morning!" Dom said from the hob.
"Morning Dom." I smiled.
"The boys are out the back." Nikki said, gently rubbing my back.
"I feel like I'm back in Primary School." I smiled and they both chuckled. I walked outside and there was no one there.
"Hello? Guys come on this isn't funNY!" I screamed and jumped when they all leaped out from the bushes. They all fell into fits of laughter while I clutched my heart.
"Guys! That was not funny!"
"Aw come on you're just dramatic." Tom said and put his hands on his hips. I smirked and licked my teeth.
"Alright. But make sure your spidey senses work before I scare the shit out of you." I pointed at him.
"Oh yeah? You think you can scare me? I'm Spiderman! I have spidey senses Blair. You picked the wrong guy to mess with." He said, coming closer to me.
"Just you wait." He said slyly and walked past me. I stood still, looking at the other boys then we all burst into laughter.
"What?!" Tom asked.
"Nice speech!" I clapped.
"Fuck off." He laughed and went back into the house.
"You guys are all now on my side right?" I asked them.
"Yup." They all said in unison. I laughed and we all went back inside.
"Okay! Breakfast has been served." Nikki said, placing the large bowl of scrambled egg on the table.
"Pull up a chair and dig in guys!" Dom clapped and rubbed his hands together. Nikki sat at the head of the table and Dom sat at the other end. Sam and Harry sat next to each other and were fighting about who got what plate. Haz sat next to Tom and then Tuwaine, Paddy and I debated where to sit.
"Blair you can sit here." Tom said as more of a statement than a question, motioning to the space next to him. Paddy sat on the other side of Nikki.
"Actually, I would rather sit next to Paddy thank you very much." I said with a smirk and put my chair next to Paddy's, which placed me in the middle of Sam and Pads.
"Ooohh!" The table said together.
"Oh okay...I see how it is." Tom said with a smile.
"Now I've got to sit next to the elbow eater." Tuwaine rolled his eyes and sat next to Tom. "Oh my god, you still get called the elbow eater?" I laughed as I grabbed a roll.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Tom said nonchalantly.
"Tom even I remember you used to stick your elbow's out when you ate." I laughed.
"Shut up." He laughed.
"He's so annoying isn't he." I not-so-whispered to Paddy.
"Now that is the truest thing I have ever heard." He said then we high-fived.
"So you two are like best friends now, huh?" Tom asked.
"Yeah we are. Move over Tom...I'm stealing your girl." Paddy said with a wiggle in his seat. Everyone laughed and made 'oohhh' sounds. "That's right. You heard the man." I said.
I leant over to Paddy, "You are officially my favourite Holland." I said.
"Hey!" Tom, Harry and Sam exclaimed.
"I think we should leave Blair alone." Nikki said.
"Thanks Nikki." I smiled.
"We were going to take Tessa a walk after this, that okay with you?" Tom asked.
"Yeah of course, sounds good." I smiled at him. He looked up from his plate of food and smirked slightly. I breathed in and looked away, starting a new conversation.

"Come on boys lets hit the road!" I said, standing at the front door with Tessa on her lead next to me. All 6 of the boys decided they were coming so we all went on a walk to the local park together. Harry and Harrison went off in a two, Sam, Paddy and Tuwaine left in a three and Tom and I left together.
"So has it been weird being back?" Tom asked. "A little. But good weird." I smiled.
"Are you working tomorrow?" He asked.
"Yeah all day tomorrow, Thursday and Friday but then I have the weekend off." I said. "You're really busy then." He laughed.
"I guess. I do 35 hours per week so when I am working I do long shifts." There was a moment of silence.
"Maybe I'll pop in. You know...for Vanessa." He smirked.
"Yeah totally." I laughed.
"Guys! Come on!" Paddy shouted. We looked and there was a play park that no one was in.
"Oh my god." I laughed.
"I know, they can all be so childish." Tom shook his head sarcastically.
"Race you." I screamed and started running towards everyone else.
"You didn't even give me a countdown!" Tom shouted at me. I looked behind and he was running as fast as he could but Tessa kept running in front of him excitedly.
"Tess!" Tom was trying to get her to move. I finally reached the zipline where everyone was and I gained a round of applause.
"Come on slow poke!" I shouted and we all laughed. Tom stopped and stared at me.
"Oh god he's doing the thing." Haz said.
"Oh no." I started running away. Tom ran after me and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
"Tom! Put me down!" I grabbed onto his shirt while he kept running around like a mad man. "Tom stop- NO!" We toppled to the ground after he tripped up over Tessa. Tom landed on his back and I fell straight on top of him. "Ouch." He said.
"Are you okay?" I asked and sat up. I was now straddling Tom's lap and I realised how wrong it looked.
"Yeah I'm fine, are you?" He asked. I clambered off of him.
"Yeah I'm fine." I laughed and held my hand out and he pulled himself up.
"Am I covered in dirt?" He asked.
"Just on your back." I wiped off all the mud.
"Am I fine?" I turned for a dirt check. He picked up Tessa's lead.
"Yeah you're fine." We walked over to the zipline.
"Ladies first." Tom held my hand as I went up on the podium and got onto the small seat.
"Is this seat too small or is my ass too big?"
"A mixture of both." Haz cheekily smirked. Tom punched him in the arm and Haz winced. "3, 2, 1 go!" Tom pushed me on the zipline.
"Oh my god!" I closed my eyes as I hit the end and I flew up and came back down again.
"Oh my god." I laughed and hopped off of it. "That was actually quite fun." I laughed and handed Haz the seat.
"It was also fun seeing how dirty your back and ass is." Haz said and took off down the zipline. I checked my butt. It was covered in muck. "Tom I'm going to kill you." I said and he screamed like a girl and ran away as fast as he could. The boys and I just stood watching him. "He's such a girl." I shook my head.
"I know right?" Paddy lifted his hand and we high-fived.

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