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"Hey." A very attractive boy came up behind me as I stared at my new timetable at my new school. Scottish schools are less...complicated than England schools.
"Do you need help?" He asked.
"Yeah I can't find English. Sorry it's my first day here so." I said awkwardly.
"Oh you're in my class actually. Follow me." He smiled.
"I'm Nathan by the way." He said. His smile was gorgeous. His face was gorgeous. His body...
"I'm Blair." I said.
"Nice to meet you Blair." He smiled again.

I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. The sun was shining brightly through the window that was still open and the curtains weren't closed. I sat up slowly and looked around me. I was in my underwear with slipper socks on and a white mens buttoned shirt. Jessica was passed out next to me in my double bed. I slowly got up and stumbled a bit until I found my doorframe. I walked out of my bedroom and into the living room. Tom and Harrison were sleeping on the couch and Sam, Harry and Tuwaine were on the floor.
"Fuck." I whispered to myself and went to the kitchen. I took paracetamol and started making coffee. I couldn't remember anything from last night past us dancing to Sexual. Oh, no I do remember champagne spraying everywhere. I remember putting September by Earth Wind and Fire and dancing in my underwear. I remember Jessica coming. Jessica...oh yeah we danced together. Then what happened? God something happened and I have no idea what it was. Oh! Jess and I kissed! That was it. Eh, nothing too out of the ordinary. It still felt like something else happened though. I continued making the coffee, and then I heard Jessica coming out the room. She was dressed exactly like me.
"Hi. I need drugs and caffeine please." She whispered and I hugged her.
"There's paracetamol out and I'm making coffee." I whispered back. She took some paracetamol and waited on the coffee. I handed her a mug and we sat down around the kitchen island.
"God, why is it sticky?" I asked and scruched my face in disgust.
"You don't wanna know." Jess said and we moved to the floor.
"Do you remember like anything? I remember about two things." I laughed.
"I remember we kissed," She laughed.
"I remember we ordered pizza and I remember us stealing these shirts from random guys." She said.
"Random guys?" I asked.
"Yeah we didn't know who they were."
"You're saying two strangers were in my house?"
"Yeah. But it was such a good party." She laughed.
"It was! I don't remember much but it was fucking fun." We sat in silence for a bit. I looked over at Tom and Harrison.
"Did something happen with Tom and I last night?" I asked.
"Uh...I don't think so." She shrugged.
"Huh...I feel like something happened." I said. "A lot of stuff happened." She laughed.
"That's true." I smiled. Tom started sitting up which then woke Harrison up.
"Rise and shinee." I sang like Kylie Jenner. "Stop screaming." Haz said.
"What the fuck." Tom murmered to himself. "Guys shut up." Harry said and rolled over onto his stomach. Sam and Tuwaine then woke up and they all groaned.
"Who's making coffee?" Haz asked as he stood up and stretched.
"You're already up mate." Tom said.
"Fuck. Fine." He said and went to the kitchen and started making everyone else a coffee. "How do you two feel?" Tom asked Jess and I. "Shit." I laughed.
"Not the worst hangover ever but certainley not the best." She smiled.
"Why do you guys only have underwear and big shirts on?" He asked.
"I have no clue. Apparently two random guys were here and we took their shirts." I groaned. "Nice." He smiled.
"I don't remember much last night." He said. "Same I hardly remember anything." I said. He turned around fully and squinted his eyes at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Did we do something last night?" Tom asked. "I don't think so. If we did, I can't rememer doing it." I said.
"Great." He said and turned around and curled into the sofa.

Tom's POV
"Haz!" I whisper shouted. Jess was talking to the other boys and it was Blair's turn in the shower.
"What?" He asked.
"I couldn't remember much about last night but when I saw Blair, I realised that...we nearly had sex last night!" I exclaimed.
"What?!" Harrison nearly shouted. I brought him into Blair's room and shut the door.
"She was dancing with Jessica and then they kissed,"
"I missed that?" Haz sighed. I rolled my eyes.
"They kissed and then I went to talk to her, brought her in here and then we like...dirty talked? I don't know what it was but I remember me unbuttoning her jeans and then we nearly kissed but Jess came in and told us there was pizza and then we left!" I ran a hand through my hair in worry. Why the hell would I do that?!
"Tom, does she remember?" Haz asked.
"No! I asked her if she remembered anything and she said no. And she said it casually so she wasn't lying because she can't lie for shit." I said.
"Fuck, Tom! I know you like her but-"
"I don't!" I protested.
"Get over yourself, you know you do. But you can't act on it. So you have to keep this a secret. It doesn't matter that you nearly fucked. It happened when you were both drunk okay? Don't say anything to her or it'll fuck it up again." He said.
I nodded, "You're right. Okay. That's fine." I said. The door handle turned and Blair walked in and we all jumped.
"Fuck! Guys, what are you doing in my room. Scooch." Blair said.
"Sorry!" We said and got out of her room.

Blair's POV
It was the Monday after the party and the week that Tom was leaving. I went into work as normal and got to the staff room. As always, no one was there early. I mean you're a nurse for god's sake you always have to be prepared! I made myself a coffee and sat down at the table. "Oh, hi." Someone said behind me. I turned around and a very attractive man was standing in the doorway with a suit on and a coffee in hand.
"Hi, do I know you?" I asked and stood up. "No, actually it's my first day here." He smiled. "Oh well, welcome to the team." I smiled.
"I'm Doctor Blair Nolan but just call me Blair." I said as I shook his hand.
"I'm Doctor Nathan Carter." He smiled. Wait. No, no, no, no, no! Nathan Carter? As in the guy I had a fling with when I was 18? As in the guy I fucked outside the club at my 18th birthday?!
"Nathan?" I said in shock.
"Wha...holy shit! Blair! Right! Oh my god!" He realised.
"You're...here?" I asked dumbfounded. Nathan was a slack off! How was he a doctor?
"Yeah! I went to college and sat my subjects again and then went into uni." He said.
"Wow! That's amazing! I can't believe you're here." I smiled.
"I always knew you'd do something smart." He laughed and flaunted his perfect white teeth. "Wow...you're even more gorgeous than I remember." He laughed softly.
"Oh, well...thank you." I giggled awkwardly. God Blair why are you so awkward?
"You look amazing too." I said.
"Thanks. Well, maybe you could show me around and help me through my first day." He said.
"Yeah I'd love that! My assistant Emma should be here soon as well so she can help too." I said.
"Wow, an assistant. You really did get the dream, huh." He smiled. I smiled at the fond memory of us sitting outside in a park at night talking about our dreams for the future. Nathan never knew what he wanted to do but he wanted to change the world. He was such a good person and such a nice person. I lost my virginity to him in the first few months of living in Scotland and I was madly in love with him. But then 6th year ended and I went back to England and we both lost touch.
"Hey Blair." Emma smiled as she came in. "Hey Emma. Could you check Vanessa, India, Joe and Rory please and remember to record it please!" I said and handed her the files that she needed.
"Yes, no problem." She said.
"Let's get started with a tour." I said and showed him around the hospital.

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