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I ran past Harrison and went into my room

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I ran past Harrison and went into my room. Tears were streaming down my face and I couldn't breathe.
"Blair! Blair what's wrong?" Haz asked through the door
"Nothing! Leave me alone!" I shouted.
"Blair come on!" He said. I slowly opened the door and he saw my wet, mascara covered face.
"What happened?" He asked with his arms out. I hugged him.
"Tom was making out with some random girl." I cried into his shirt.
"I'll beat his ass." Haz said. I laughed.
"I don't want him kissing other girls Harrison." I said and pulled away.
"I want him kissing me."

I woke up the next morning bright and early. I was going to tell Tom how I felt today and hopefully he would say it back. I got ready and put a cute dress on. I put on my converse then I let my natural hair fall and I didn't do anything with it. I put on eyelashes and some red lipstick and I headed out the door.

 I put on eyelashes and some red lipstick and I headed out the door

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I got in my car and drove to the Holland's house. I walked in and went through to the kitchen and living room.
"Blair?" Nikki asked surprised.
"Where's Tom?" I asked.
"He's upstairs I think but Blair-"
"Thank you!" I said and rushed up the stairs. "Blair!" Nikki shouted up. I got upstairs and Tom's door was open to his room. I took a deep breath and was ready to tell him how I felt. I walked towards his room then...Jess came out. Wearing my Spiderman shirt. And only that. "Jessica?" I said slowly. Hoping my eyes were deceiving me.
"Blair?" She said in a panic.
"Blair?" I heard Tom's voice from his room. He stumbled out in just his underwear.
"Oh my god." I said breathily. The tears had already formed in my eyes and my heart was beating a million times per second.
"What are you doing here?" Tom asked. He was panicking.
"Did...did you two sleep together?" I asked and a tear fell down. Tom didn't say anything and neither did Jess. They both just looked down guiltily.
"Oh." I covered my mouth to stop the sobbing sounds.
"I can't believe this." I said and turned around. "Wait, Blair." Tom pushed past Jess and I began running down the stairs.
"Blair wait!" Tom shouted after me and ran down the stairs.
"You're really going after her?" Jess shouted at Tom.
"Blair what are you...oh." Harrison was just coming into the house. I pushed past him and got outside.
"What did you do?" Harrison asked Tom. Tom didn't say anything, he just ran outside. Then Haz looked up and saw Jess.
"For fuck sake Tom!" Haz shouted.
"Blair can you wait a second?" Tom shouted. I didn't say anything I just rushed down the driveway before Tom grabbed my arm.
"Let go of me Tom." I said and tried to get my arm back.
"Look at me Blair. Fucking look at me!" He shouted. I turned and looked at him.
"How could you do that..." I said in almost a whisper.
"Blair I wasn't thinking." He said.
"Clearly." I rolled my eyes and tried to escape his grip but it just got tighter.
"Blair I'm so sorry." He said.
"You slept with her!" I shouted.
"I'm so...so sorry Blair. Please just hear me out okay I-"
"I don't want to hear you out, okay? Haz clearly lied about everything and I can't..." I finally got my arm free and I got into my car.
"What do you mean about Haz? Blair!" He talked to me through the car window.
"Blair listen to me!" He shouted. I didn't listen to him. I turned the key and drove off.
"Blair stop!" He shouted and ran after the car and then he stopped. I looked in the rear view mirror and he was standing in the middle of the street with just his underwear on, looking at the car with his hands tangled in his hair in frustration. I wiped my eyes, and continued driving home. I slammed the car door and got inside the building. Nathan was standing at the door waiting for me.
"Blair, what's wrong?" He asked and came up to me.
"Nothing Nathan." I said and unlocked the door.
"Blair tell me what's wrong!" He said and tried to come inside the apartment.
"No Nathan! Just leave okay! I want to be alone just leave!" I shouted and cried.
"Blair I-"
"LEAVE!" I screamed and slammed the door. I fell against the door and slid down to the floor. I curled up into a ball and let everything out. He slept with your best friend Blair. You don't do that if you love someone.
"Blair please open up." Nathan said from the other side of the door.
"I need to be alone right now Nathan please."
"Okay. Text or call me if you need anything." He said, and I could hear him walking out.
"I can't believe this..." I said to myself.

It was the next week and this Wednesday night we were leaving for Daisy's wedding. I had this week off of work so Daisy and I were doing everything we needed. Daisy, Nathan and I were on bridal duties.
"Blair I need a huge favour but it has to be done by you." Daisy said.
"What is it?" I asked.
"You have to go to the Holland's house and give Nikki...and Jessica their dresses." Daisy said. "I'm not doing that Dais." I said.
"You have to! Nathan's not going there because that would be weird and you have to stay to see if they fit. I'm way to busy here, you need to do it." She said.
"Fine. But I swear to god if Jess makes a sly comment I'll flip." I said and grabbed the dresses.
"Thank you B! Just be civil please!" She shouted after me as I walked out of the apartment and into my car. I drove to their house and rang the doorbell. Tom opened the door.
"Hey Blair." He said stiffly.
"Hi, I need to give your mother and girlfriend their dresses." I said and walked past him, into the house.
"She's not my girlfriend." He said.
"But you're taking her abroad to a family friend's wedding. Totally normal." I rolled my eyes.
"Blair!" Nikki exclaimed and embraced me. "Hi! I have your dress! Is Jess here?" I asked. "I'm here." She emerged out of the garden. She was wearing the fucking Spiderman top again. "Hi, I have your dress. So go and try them on." I forced a smile and handed them to them both. They went off and started putting them on.
"Blair can we talk about this or-"
"I'd rather we didn't. I want this week to be about Daisy and Andreas, not about our stupid drama." I said.
"But we need to talk about everything." He said.
"No we don't. We both know exactly what's going on, we don't need to vocalize it." I said. "Blair this is gorgeous!" Nikki exclaimed as she entered the kitchen again. The dress was just below the knees and it was figure hugging. It was pink and it had sparkled on the shoulders coming down to the bodice that was a bit of a plunge neck.
"Nikki wow. You're gorgeous!" I said.
"I know it's a fairytale themed wedding but this is just...gorgeous." She said.
"You look smokin." I giggled.
"You look great Mum." Tom said with a smile. "I can't wait for Friday!" She smiled and went back to the bathroom to change.
"Okay, what do you think?" Jess came down the stairs. Fuck...me. Her dress was pale green and it was the same length as Nikki's. It was bodycon and fit like a glove. It was strapless and the bodice had frills on it with some sparkle and the hem of the dress had the same. There was a silver, sparkled belt attached that had a white bow at the back.
"Wow...you look...amazing." Tom said awkwardly.
"You like?" She smirked and Tom met her at the stairs and kissed her. I looked away in disgust.
"Do you like it?" She asked me. I turned to her. I couldn't lie.
"Yeah." I said with a small nod.
"Thanks Blair." She said.
"No problem." She went back upstairs.
"Nice PDA." I scoffed at Tom.
"Just jealous." He said.
"Jealous of a fake relationship that was based on spite, yes. I'm so very jealous." I spat back. "You're pathetic." Tom said and pushed past me. Dick.
"That's me away Nikki but I'll see you Wednesday night at the airport!" I shouted into the bathroom.
"Is the plan still on?" She shouted back. I looked back at Tom who was shaking his head. I smiled to myself. This could be fun.
"Yeah the plan's still on!" I said and looked back at Tom who looked confused. I waved with a smiled then shut the door behind me. This week was going to be fun.

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