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We don't talk about my update schedule lmao
It's long and shit... happens so good luck lol


"Don't fucking talk to me. Don't even fucking call me Leo. It's Jace." He growls out, grabbing his wallet and keys.

My face falls as I sit up and lean against my headboard, my eyes failing to see him correctly through the blur of tears. His keys are jangling as he rushes over and grabs his black backpack from next to my closet.

"what?" I mumble, barely audible as I pull my shirt over my knees, feeling vulnerable. "You're such a stupid fucking bitch..." he says with an evil chuckle and a tear slips from my eyes, I wipe it quickly though. This can't be happening...

"What are you saying?" I ask, standing up and blocking his way out. I push my body against the door and he leans over me. His hand is holding him up as he leans against the door, his head above mine as his eyes sparkle.

"I fucking know, Rox. Why the fuck didn't you tell me?!" He screams, his eyes blank and full of anger as he hangs above me.


It isn't like how it used to be, when he would yell and scream if somebody called me Roxy other than him. I was ROXY to him...


The last time he got angry at me he was in second grade. Me and Rose went into his room and messed with his candy stash.

He got in trouble.

He never got angry at me again... until now I guess.

"What do you mean..?" I ask, furrowed eyebrows trying to think of anything that could possibly make him this angry, Anything that I didn't tell him, Anything anybody didn't tell him. I can't think of it...

"Yea fuck that, Rox. I know! Stop fucking pretending and let me out!" He leaves the door and starts pacing around my room.

"No! Not until you tell me what's happening!" I scream, knowing nobody is in the house.

He scoffs, shaking his head before turning to me and slowly walking towards me slowly, ever so slowly. When he makes it to me, towering over me just like everybody else. A haze casted over his face as I feel helpless and alone.

I'm not scared of him hurting me.... I'm scared of losing him for something I didn't know I did.

I didn't accidentally fuck his best friend I'll tell you that.

I didn't run into his super secret mafia-style drug stash and use it all.

I didn't die!?

"You wanna know something that I didn't tell you? You wanna feel like I do? Well let me tell you that when I kissed you at the beach house and told you all those stupid fucking anecdotes about how I liked you, they were all lies!" He screams and I gulp.

He's just angry... he's just saying this because he's angry! Yea!! It's okay!! I'll get my baby back!

but he continues....

"When I told you I loved you it was a lie! When I told you you were beautiful it was a lie! I just wanted to get one of the last girls on my list in bed and look at us now, it happened. So if you could please fucking move-"

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