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"ROX!" Lucio screams as he calls me and Haze over. I pull away from Haze's arms as I jog over to Rose and Lucio. They sit on a beautiful, freshly cleaned white couch under a gazebo.

"Yep?" I ask as Leo and Pearl come over, his arm wrapped around her as she snuggles into his chest.

I turn away from Leo and Pearl and look at my feet as Lucio makes the announcement.

"Okay, we don't have long left here at the beach house," Lucio says sadly, and Haze wraps his arms around my shoulders, standing behind me and putting his chin on the top of my head.

It's sort of an 'I'll miss you, gesture'

"I know sad! But I'd like to draw attention that this is Jaces last year here before he goes off to college and turns eighteen. So.... go do whatever! We won't waste your time with our normal almost-last-day brunch.... but we are having that brunch a little bit later we're actually just waiting on the last of the food." He says and we all laugh as I run small circles on Haze's hands with my thumbs.

I can feel Leo's gaze harden on me as it stays there, just like before with the surfboards. I turn around so my chest is against Haze's and smile up at him.

"Teach me to surf?" I ask him, knowing Leo was supposed to... but that doesn't really seem like an option with all of the Pearl stuff.

"Su-" Haze starts but somebody from behind grabs my shoulder. "Actually I can do that, Haze." I hear Leo's deep, rough voice say as Haze let's go of me.

I turn to Leo and frown, "Well... I thought you were teaching Pearl." I say quietly, wringing my hands as I look up at him through my eyelashes.

He takes a heavy breath out and swallows. He grabs my arm and pulls me closer to him, his mouth next to my ear as he whispers. "I told you... I'd always choose you over my girlfriend." He says and I lick my lips and sigh.

I back up. "You can go with Pearl, Leo." I say and Haze grabs my hand and the surfboard I set down. "Let's go!" He scream and I giggle as he pulls me away.

Leo's nose twitches as he mumbles, "Fuck." Running his hands through his hair. Pearl comes up to him, giggling and smiling as she kisses his lips. And he's fine again.

I didn't matter enough that it ruined his day at least.

Is that a good or a bad thing?


"Okay if you could actually try standing up maybe you wouldn't go face first into the water!" Haze explains from his board as I wobbly stand up.

"Fuck you!" I scream and he chuckles, "It got you to do it! Even if you don't want me to I know how to teach you!"

I shake my head as I bend through a wave tunnel, it's my first try so it's not perfect but it's good enough.

I crash into the water, peeping my head back up and smiling at Haze. "It was fun right?!" He asks and I nod, swimming over to my board and then him.

I smile brightly and he shakes his head, "I told you you little demon." He chuckles and I growl as he smiles. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me in closer.

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