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double update because why not


"I LOVE you so damn much..." Leo says as he runs his hands over my waist, I smile against his chest. "I love you too, Lee." I say and he brings my head up and kisses me deeply.

We stand in his room as he grips onto my butt, Haze and Rose "celebrating" in her room.

He better fucking kiss her.

He better fucking kiss her.

He better fucking kiss her...

He better. Fucking. Kiss. Her.

Like how Leo better kiss me.

His tongue trails along my bottom lip as his tongue meets mine, and I don't fight for dominance when I know he'll win. I moan into his mouth and he smirks against my lips.

"I love your moans baby." He says and I chuckle. He picks me up and places me on the bed, his hands once again roaming all over my body.

"Happy birthday." He says and I smile, kissing him deeper before pulling back, running my fingers over the outlines of his sharp features, his jaw, his nose, everything.

"Thank you..." I mumble before pushing him back and getting up. I pull of my shirt and he stares with a smirk, "I mean I wasn't-" he starts mischievously and I growl.

"No you asshat we have to go to your gig." I say and he shudders. "I'm scared, Roxy. What if they hate me?" He asks, leaning against his bed frame as I walk over to his closet and get one of my shirts that I left in here from it.

I put it on and look at him with a happy smile, "They won't. I promise. You have a more hypnotizing voice than anybody else I've heard. So get out there and do your best, also... will you go get me a pair of shorts from my room?" I ask and he chuckles, looking up at me through his eyelashes seductively.

"Of course." He says, shaking his head and flipping me off as he walks out.

I start brushing my hair in his bathroom, my hair wet and tangled from my shower I had to take it get the cake residue off. "Whatcha doin in here?" Rose asks her lips red as she leans against the doorframe. I gasp.


"yes...." she mumbles and I squeal, jumping up and down as I go to hug her. "OH MY GOD!!!!"

"Did you kiss him back? How long was it? What did you say? Do you like him? Do you love him?!" I scream and she sighs, "Calm down! And quiet down!" She whisper yells as I drag her into the bathroom and she closes and locks the door.

"Okay okay.... yes... I kissed him back... and we full on made out and it was so nice and my entire mind was on him and he touched my hips and it was amazing I-"

"Oh my god! I was about to matchmake you! Im so fucking happy right now oh my god..." I say, wiping tears from my eyes as she laughs and grabs my hands. "Oh stop crying! I should I be! I thought I lived Reed... and everybody told me he was with Marianna because he loved me but that makes no fucking sense and Haze kissed me and wants to date me because he loves me.... Rox I think I love him too... but I'm so confused..."

"Oh my god!!! Then fuck Reed! He lost his chance Rose, you don't have to feel bad for moving on...." I say, running my fingers through her hair as tears fall from his eyes...

"Just... let me think about it in my brothers bathtub for a couple hours..." she starts, looking at her lap as we sit on the ground but looking up at me and smiling.

"You love my brother right?" She asks and I nod, "I always have..."

She nods back, "How does that feel?" She asks and I shrug, "Well.... I don't know what it feels like in front of other people with everybody knowing, I will soon but not yet, but I will tell you that when we are alone I can't stop smiling. I can't stop looking at him and wanting to cry because he is mine and he is the most beautiful, handsome man that I've ever seen, that the world has ever seen, that anybody has ever seen. He's just perfect... and when we touch it's not like I'm on fire it's like I'm just immediately relaxed... he makes me so happy..." I say, big shake my head with a chuckle, "Sorry it's probably weird to hear that about your brother-"

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