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"Mom we are all so tired!" Rose groans as she leans against Leo's car. We were going in Leo's car and Jemma and Lucio were going in their car.

We were going to bring Pearl but—thankfully—Leo said he didn't want her to come.

We were all secretly excited that there was no Pearl for a week and a half. Leo comes out in sweatpants, coffee in his hand, "Me and Dad took naps throughout the day so that we can drive safely, and we have coffee. You'll be fine if you sleep on the plane, and the car ride there." He says, spinning his keys on his finger as he gets in the car, leaving the door open so he can talk.

"Oh come on Jace! When you are with your best friend it's chaos. It's like at sleepovers! You stay up way too long because instead of falling asleep even though you're really tired, you just screech and laugh all night." Rose explains and I nod tiredly.

I walk over to Jemma and Lucio, "I'll see you guys there," I say groggily, hugging them both. "Oh hopefully!" Lucio says, opening his door and getting in.

"We love you hun!" Jemma says, hugging me again and walking over to the other side of the car, waving as Rose jumps out of the car and says bye to her parents.

Leo starts the car quietly, leaning back in his seat and closing his door, reaching around the seat to put his seat belt on, his muscles flexing with every move.

"Roxy...." he breathes out and swallow, watching him, "Leo..." I say slowly, breathily.

He turns around to me and smiles, "Stop staring," He says softly, dragging his finger across my cheek and then chuckling, leaning away as my face drops.

I growl and fake pout in the back of his car as he shakes his head, "Sorry, Roxy. I can feel your gaze, it's distracting." He says, looking at me in the mirror as Rose comes up to the car and gets in.

"Okay Roxy! Don't say anything or I won't be able to sleep." She says with a chuckle and I laugh too, leaning over and resting my head on her lap, hearing Leo mumble something under his breath.

Something along the lines of, "I wish that was me."

After about two hours of a commute to the airport, we finally got there. Security was dumb and didn't let Rose bring some of her stuff so we got held back.

But eventually we got on the plane, and I of course had to sit in between Rose and Leo so they didn't fight, though their bickering never stopped.

"Rosie you should not get the window seat, you have the bladder of a hydrated pigeon." He says and she shakes her head, "What does that even mean?"

He shakes his head, shrugging, "I don't know but it explains you." He says with a laugh and my stomach flips, his laugh vibrates my entire body and goes through me. I chuckle too,
It makes everybody around him happy, his smile radiating light and his body showing warmth and life.

"Sorry, Rose, But it's true. Perfect description." I say, putting my hand up to give Leo a high five that he doesn't accept. He just smirks at me, looking directly in my eyes. He of course makes eye contact with my hand but immediately goes back to my eyes.

"Fine." Rose says, getting up and crawling over me, purposely hitting Leo directly on his head. He growls, squeezing his way in front of my tired body, his sweatpants hanging loosely on his hips and his white T-shirt barely covering his muscles.

His dick is right in front of my face right now.

He looks down at me, grabbing the back of my head for support, but god it only makes my imagination worse for me.

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