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(Another one of my favorites 🥺)

I WALK into Leo's room, not caring about the party happening downstairs as we're caught up in each other. Our saint Rose has practically done all of the work anyway, she's a way better host than Leo.

Though I was a little annoying and preoccupying him.

I was wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a lacy white cami. My hair was up in a messy ponytail, hairs falling out and framing my face as I smile.

"Hey, baby." Leo says, finishing buttoning his jeans before he rubs his wet hair with a towel situated behind his neck. He was wearing a black shirt and black jeans, a belt keeping his shirt half tucked in perfectly, a little cross necklace hanging around his neck.

"Hey, Lee." I say, jumping onto his bed as he comes to the side I'm on and grabs my hand, pulling me up with ease.

"Let's go." He says, smiling as he grabs my hand. We walk down the hall, him pulling me down the stairs, knowing that wet drunk people won't remember very well that he held my hand a little.

I giggle as he pulls me into his car, watching as we drive away from his own party... just for me.

"Okay, do you want me to make you a fancy bag full of stuff you want or do you just want to grab a chocolate bar and take you up to the storm in Lindari to do the things we always did as kids." He says and my movements stop completely, freezing.

"Really?" I ask, surprised and as though I were to cry, and he chuckles, "What? Well which one?" He asks, his eyes turning to me for a second before he makes once again a perfect turn.

"You know which one I choose, Lee."




I throw my candy at Leo as he chuckles, his just recently deep voice speaks. "Don't waste it Roxy!" He says and I chuckle, coming towards him and opening the wet wrapper to reveal a dry piece of chocolate. I break it in half and smile up at Leo.

He was much older than me, and would never feel the same about my stupid crush. But I would still do as most girls do with their crushes when they're twelve, give them candy.

"Here," I say, putting it in his hands as his fingers graze mine. The rain from earlier just begins to start up again, small plops of water falling onto my forehead.

His braced teeth bite into the chocolate and I do too as I moan, "That's good..." I say and his body stiffens. "You really like chocolate that much?" He asks and I nod.

The water falls on me heavier.

"Well not dark chocolate that's crap, and white chocolate is my favorite, but milk chocolate is just as satisfying." I say, looking around and up at the dark sky, barely visible dark clouds covering it completely.

I get a single raindrop in my eye.

"We should go in-" I start, turning around to go into Leo's beautiful white mansion.

But his hand grabs mine, shaking his head, looking around and not seeing any headlights, not hearing any traffic, or seeing any more kids out.

"No... don't you wanna stay out here with me, Roxy?" He asks and I turn around slowly,
My eyes trailing up to his body. When I get to his face I quirk an eyebrow, "Why?" I ask and he comes closer. Closer. Closer.

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