Material World! (Short)

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Back in the world of the living, while Ichigo trained with the vizards.

Ichigo sat on the cold floor, catching his breath. He watches the ceiling, counting the scratches and chunks missing.
"Are you ready for round two?" Kensei asks, standing behind him. Ichigo freezes, looking around.
"What's wrong with you?" Kensei asks, sitting down beside him.
"Oh... You just scared me..." Ichigo says, glancing at him. "I thought you were someone else."
"Why?" He asks, tilting his head.
Ichigo smiles, leaning back on his hands. "A friend of mine used to say that all the time when we were training. After each break, she would jump up and ask the same thing. I thought that she might have been behind me."
Kensei looks at him confused. "Does she have a deep voice? How did you hear my voice and think I was a girl?!"
Ichigo shrugs. "Himiko likes to mess around. I thought she was trying to surprise me or something."
Kensei freezes, staring at Ichigo. "Himiko?"
Ichigo nods, glancing at him. "You know Himiko?"
Kensei doesn't reply, instead he picks himself from the ground and draws his blade.
"Let's continue."
Ichigo stands up, unshealtheing his blade also. "Okay..."

After Ichigo left for the day.

Kensei sat on a large rock, kicking his feet over the edge. He had his eyes on his hands, glaring at them.

"What's up with Kensei?" Shinji asks Hiyori. Hiyori shrugs, watching Kensei.
"He's been like that since he was training with Ichigo. I've never seen him like this. He's so... depressed."
"It's because of what Ichigo said." Mayori butts in, sitting down beside them.
"What did Ichigo say?" Shinji asks, tilting his head.
Mayori frowns, "He said something about Himiko."
"Himiko... Lieutenant Yamamoto?" Hiyori asks, confused. "I thought she was dead. She died the night if the attack."
Mayori shrugs, "Ichigo mentioned someone named Himiko."
"Why did that make Kensei act like this?" Shinji asks.
"Because Kensei loved Himiko." Mayori says, smiling. "I've seen him cr-"
"Shut up, Mayori." Kensei says, glaring at her.
"What? I'm just telling them about Himiko! You're such a dummy head!" Mayori pouts.
"Well stop! I don't want to hear about it!" Kensei yells.
"Why?! Pretending that she never existed isn't helping!" Mayori yells back. "Talking about it will help! If Himiko were here, she would say the same!"
Kensei glares at her, his words like knifes. "Himiko. Is. Dead." He says, walking away.
Shinji shrugs after Kensei left.
"I've heard some shinigami talking about someone named Himiko. They said something about her going to Hueco Mundo."
"I felt her spiritual pressure a week ago. She was only here for a couple of days." Love says, nodding. "It was definitely Lieutenant Yamamoto."
"Hmm." Hiyori nods. "He wouldn't believe us, even if we had proof. He'd have to see her with his own eyes."
Shinji nods. "Guess we'll have to wait and see."

Kensei's pov.

I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Himiko is not alive. I saw, she had a blade through her chest. But she got away, she could have gotten medical treatment in time. But she would have been Hollowfied. They would have killed her anyway.
I sigh, reaching my hand in the air.
"I miss you, Himiko." I grab at the air, closing my hand in a fist. "I wish that I could feel you right now. I could really use a hug. I can almost hear you laughing at me. Scary Kensei needing a hug?! What?!"
I laugh, dropping my arm to my side. "The boy, Ichigo, was probably talking about someone else. Probably some shinigami named after you.... I can't let myself believe that you're still here. I would drive myself insane... But there is still a part in me that wants to believe. I want you with me. I need you with me."

I sigh, sitting up. "I'm talking like you can hear me. Heh... maybe you are. I just wish the last thing I said to you was more than what I said. I should have told you under different circumstances. I shouldn't have waited until I thought I was going to die. Now here I am, alive. Alive and alone."

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