Gin Ending?!

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I appear in the middle of a broken street in Karakura. My eyes searched for Gin and I stumbled forward, not sensing him anywhere. My heart sinks and I shake my head. It can't be... There no way. He said he would try...
"Ōkami No Joō, Flame Pack..." I whisper, closing my eyes. "Run, Selene. Hunt, Atlas. Control, Tsuki. Protect, Ryos."
My small pack appears, taking up the entire street. Ryos towers over the whole group, shoulders set aggressively. 
"What is wrong, Alpha?" He growls, glancing around. "Where is the enemy?"
I shake my head, frowning at them. "There is no enemy, not right now... We are looking for someone."
Ryos growls and Atlas tilts his head, ears flopping over.
"Looking for someone?" He asks, "Who?"
"We're looking for Gin, Baka." Selene says, bumping her paw against his nose.
I nod, "This is extremely important to me. We have to find him quickly, or else..." My throat closed up and I can't seem to finish that thought.
"We'll find him, Alpha." Tsuki says, smiling at me with her wolfish grin. ,"You can count on us.'
"Of course!" " Yes." Selene and Atlas say in unison.
"As you wish." Ryos growls, running off. The rest of the pack scatters and I follow in pursuit. We search through the rubble and with each second passing by, the further my heart sinks. And just as I started to lose hope...
My head snaps at the sound of Tsuki calling out for me.
"He's over here!"
My legs move before I even process what she had said. I found myself sprinting to her, eyes glued on what was in front of me. Gin was laying on the ground, a pool of blood around him. I could see the wound, still seeping blood. My knees buckle and I fall to the ground.
"Selene!?" I scream, calling her to me. She appears at me side, standing above Gin's body. Her eyes scan him, taking in every detail.
"..." She glances at me. "What would you like me to do, Alpha."
"Heal him." I whisper, closing my eyes with my fists clenched in front of me. "I don't care if it's too late. I don't care if he's dead! Heal him, Selene!"
She nods, pressing her nose against his wound. I watch as the skin heals, closing the wound. I wait, without moving a muscle, for Gin to move. He doesn't... Not even a twitch. Selene hangs her head, tail drooping.
"I'm sorry, Alpha..."
"No, I-It's okay..." I say, tears building in my eyes. "You t-tried your best..."
She nods and bumps against me gently. "It's going to be okay, Alpha... I'll see you later..."
I don't look up, but I can feel my pack disappear from this world. Just as they leave, a sob breaks through my throat and I break down into tears. I reached out to Gin, fingers brushing against his hair.
"...Why...?" I whisper, voice thick with tears. A part of me exspected him to respond. He would say something like, I don't have an excuse or Oops... I growl, glaring slightly. Anger mixes in with my tears.
"Gin Ichimaru. You idiot." I growl, grabbing his hand. It was so lifeless and hung like a rag doll's. It still felt the same, his scars were permanently etched into his skin. "You told me you'd try to survive..." I laugh softly, bending over and resting my forehead on his chest. "... I believed you. I actually thought I would see you again... It's like you took a part of me with you and it's getting harder to breathe. Now what am I supposed to do, Gin?" I say, talking into his chest.

"I believe you had plans to feed my toes to a snake and them make boots from said snake."

I freeze, my heart skipping a beat. I was frozen in shock and my body refused to move. A hand brushes against my face and I look up, meeting Gin's open eyes. His smiles at me, enjoying my exspression. A sob escapes me and I collapse against him, arms wrapping around his neck. He laughs, holding me close against him.
"Don't cry, Himi-chan..." He says, rubbing my back. "You're going to make me cry."
I pull back, glaring at him through my tears. "Just wait, Gin Ichimaru. After what you did, I'll make you cry. Just wait and see." I growl, still in his arms.
"I always have something to look forward to with you, Himi-chan." He grins, placing his forehead on mine. "That's one of the things I love about you."
My mouth drops open to respond, but I'm left speachless. His words came from nowhere. He laughs, grinning at me. "Just a couple of words and you're left speachless... Maybe I should say them more often."
"Maybe you should." I spit out, finally figuring out how my mouth works. My face heats up after I realize what I had said. I stumble to recover. "I-I mean... Shut up, Maru-kun! You're not fooling me with your sweet words!"
He laughs, eyes twinkling with mischief. "Well, perhaps there is another way I can prove my love for you... Hmmm...."

All of the sudden, he kisses my lips. I freeze for a split second and then return it. He pulls away, grinning. "That seemed to have done it. Are you convinced?"
I try to cover my smile, eyes playfully narrowing. "You basically died today, Maru. It's going to take a little more than one kiss." I say, shrugging. "You'll have to work for my affection."
"Hmm... Sounds good to me." He says, tilting his head. "What sort of work?"
"Um... I change my mind. I want to make a deal with you. I will accept your love, and give you mine, as long as you live and stay with me." I say, holding my hand out.
"You drive a hard bargain..." He says, rubbing his neck. After couple of seconds of him pretending to think it over, his hand grips mine and we deal the deal with a handshake. "... Hey, Himi-chan..."
"Hmm?" I ask, looking up at him.
"Why does it feel like I just made a deal with the devil?" He asks, frowning at me. I laugh, pulling him up to his feet.
"Just wait, Maru-kun." I purr, smirking at him. "It will only get better from here."

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