Karakura! Ch. 6

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I open my eyes and see the new world around me. Technology was everywhere, much different from decades ago. The last time I was here was 50ish years... I walk down the empty street and look at the moon high in the night sky. Walking through the dark streets, marveling at eveeything, the lights and vehicles.

Once I reach my destination, I knock on the large doors twice. A little girl opens the door, looking at me with wide eyes. I smile at her and poke my head in the door. "Hey, there... Is the boss here?"
She nods and lets me in. All of the sudden, someone bonks her on the head.
"Don't be stupid, Ururu! You can't let random strangers in the shop!" A small red headed boy yanks on her bangs.
"Hey, stop that. I'm a friend of Kisuke. No need to fight."
I hear the clicking of wooden sandels and turn around slowly.
"Oi! What's up, Shaggy?" I says, walking to him.
"Long time, no see, Himiko. Gramps finally let you out of the cage, eh?"
I nod and grin at him. "I'm here to help Rukia. Did she stop by here?" He nods and smiles at me.
"Here for a gigai?" I nod and follow him to the back room. Transferring my soul was always the worst part of this experience. My new body was stiff and weak compared to my shinigami one. I flex my fingers and fix my skirt.
"How do I look?" I ask, twirling. Urahara nods and clicks his tongue.
"You look just like a human. If you want to find Rukia, then go to the highschool tomorrow morning. I'll set something up so you can be a student for the time being."
I nod and put my bag on my shoulder.
"Here is the uniform. And you can sleep here for tonight. But find somewhere else tommorow."
I take the uniform from his hands. It consisted of a grey skirt, a white shirt, white socks, a red bow, and dress shoes. I sigh and frown at Kisuke.
"They have a uniform?"
He laughs and shrugs. "Get used to it, Himiko. And hurry up and go to bed. You'll be late for school in the morning.~"
I sigh and set my bag on the ground.
The little girl hands me a blanket and the boy throws a pillow at me. I bundle myself up in the corner and I quickly fall asleep.

I wake up early and clean myself up. I pull on my new uniform and keep my hair down, brushing it quickly. I grab my bag and say goodbye to the children.
"Bye, Kisuke! See you later!"
He waves his farewell and I run to the highschool. Once I get there, I go to the office and grab my schedule. Kisuke said he would put me in the same classes as Rukia...
I walk to my homeroom and stick my head in the door. I smile at the teenagers in the room and wave my schedule.
"Am I in the right place?" I ask, walking inside. I'm instantly surrounded by a sea of males.
"Hello, new girl. My name is Keigo. What's yours?"
I smile at him brightly. "My name is Himiko Yamamoto. Nice to meet ya." I offer my hand for a hand shake. He takes it and kisses it. My eyes widen and my mouth drops in a O.
"Here, let me have that." Someone takes my schedule out of my hands.
"Hey!" I say, looking up at him. A tall orange haired male was reading my schedule and I smirk at him. "Am I right?"
His brown eyes meet my purple ones and he nods. "Yep... Keigo, stay away from her. And stop being a pervert."
Keigo flinches and holds his heart, tears streaming down his face. "Don't say stuff like that, Ichigo! You're going to scare her away!"
I laugh and look around at everyone else. My eyes land on a huge man, with wavy brown hair in his eyes. I approach him and smile.
"You, sir, are one of the tallest people I have ever seen. Look, I'm only up to your elbow!"
He nods slowly. "I...am..."
"His name is Chad." Ichigo interups. "Sorry man, that was a little painful to watch."
Chad nods and I see a orange haired female.
"Oh my gosh! This is the most red hair I have seen in forever! Our hair is almost the same shade!"
She smiles at me and a girl with short black hair nods at me.
"My name is Tatsuki and this is Orihime."
I smile at them and shake their hands. "Nice to meet you. I hope we can become friends, us red heads have to stick together!"
She giggles and nods. "Hey, Himiko. Have you met Rukia yet?"
My smile widens and I turn around to see Rukia's shocked exspession. "Himi?!"
I laugh and grin at her. "What's up, short stuff?"

She runs to me and hugs me tightly. "What are you doing here?"
I laugh and shrug. "I moved here. Why else? Thought that you may need a little help settling in."
She nods and grabs Ichigo's arm, pulling both of us out the door and to the roof. Ichigo protests the whole way and I follow silently.
"What do you want now? And why are we bringing Himiko?"

Once we come to a stop she turns around and points at me, taking a deep breath.
"Himiko is a shinigami, a soul reaper. She is here to help with the hollow issue."
I nod and glance at Ichigo, confused. "Yeah... But why are we telling him this?"
Rukia sighs and pulls on a glove and forces Ichigo out of his body. Wait... Out of his body! I step back in fright and point at Ichigo.
"Oh My Yamamoto! He is a shinigami! WTF?!" I turn to Rukia and frown at her. "There has to be an explanation for this... Right?"
She sighs and Ichigo interups.
"My family was in danger and she was wounded badly. She transfered her powers to me, temperately. I'm just a substitute."
My mouth gapes open and I glance at Rukia's shielded eyes. He must not know how much trouble she is going to be in when the soul society finds out. Transferring her powers to Ichigo was a serious crime... I take a step forward and poke Ichigo's Zanpakto. "Damn. That is one hell of a blade for a substitute soul reaper, though. Reminds me of Pachi's... How long have you had your powers?"
Ichigo taps his finger on the hilt of his blade. " A couple of days..." I look at Rukia and frown.
"I can barely sense your reiatsu, Rukia. Have your powers not come back at all?" She shakes her head and I turn to face Ichigo.
"Well... Can't say the same for you. Your reiatsu is huge! You're drawing in hollows like a child to a candy shop. It's almost blocking my senses."
He scowls and I smile at him. "It's not your fault. It took me forever to control mine. When I was younger, it used to settle around me and condense into a flame... Not exactly the safest thing for me to be running around my house on fire."
I laugh at Ichigo's shocked exspession and nudge Rukia. "Tell him, Rukia. Remember that one time I almost set Renji on fire. He wouldn't play tag with me so I tackled him and let go of my hold on my reiatsu. He didn't talk to me for weeks."
She laughs and her phone beeps. She opens the text and nods at me. "Hollow. A mile away."
I abandon my gigai and flex my fingers. "I hate that stupid thing. It's so restricting!" I dust of my shinigami uniform and open my arms wide. "This is what I real shinigami looks like, Ichigo! Take notes!"
He chuckles and we take off towards the hollow, Rukia follow close behind.

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