Extras?! Past?!

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Let's do some more things about Kensei! He was recently introduced and then BOOM! He's a romantic interest! Whatcha think bout that?! Let's do another memory that has Kensei in it. Then let's fast forward into a maybe future. This aught to be fun, so let's begin!!


I sigh, crawling into the cold wooded floors of an office. I keep my body low, avoiding being detected. I hear someone's footsteps and I quickly hide behind the door, holding my breath. I listen to the foot steps fade and I release my breath, grinning.

I make my way over to the desk, looking at the papers spread across the top. My eyes narrow and I curse silently. Captain Yoruichi won't be pleased... This mission is already a fail. I sigh and carefully open a drawer, scanning the contents. It wasn't there either. I close it gently and glace around the room... Yoruichi said it was somewhere here during my briefing... Was she mistaken? I doubt it. I shrug, sinking low to the ground. I make my way back to the door, but I see a figure through the glass, standing in the hallway. I silently curse myself and glance around for an exit... There was a widow behind the desk. I sprint to it silently and open it, jumping out into the night sky. I flash stepped before I could get caught.

I appear in Captain Yoruichi's office, facing her desk. She tilts her head.
"Were you successful, Lieutenant Yamamoto?" She asks, leaning back in her chair.
I sigh, shaking my head. "No, the mission was a fail. There was no evidence left at the scene."
She sighs, standing up from her chair. "Well, that was expected. Which is why we must plan for these things." She grins at me. "Let's move to phase two. You'll have to interagate the subject. Find out all we need to know, and don't hold back, Himiko. This is vital."
I nod, saluting her. "Hai! I will go at once!" I say, grinning at her. "I know where the subject is. I'll report back to you what I've learned." She nods and watches me disappear once more.

I reappear in a room. It was dark and I had to blink a couple of times for my eyes to adjust. I pull my black secret remote squad mask around my face and I pull up my hood. I make sure to tuck in my hair and hide all of my spiritual pressure. I tip toe along the floor boards, avoiding any creaking noises.

I make my way through the living room, straight to the bedroom... The subject will be sleeping. No one normal would be awake this early in the morning... The door was closed.

I carefully slide it open, not making any noise. I grin to myself as I walk into the dark room. My eyes land on a muscular figure laying in the bed. His blankets were tangled around him and his limbs were thrown randomly around. I could hear his soft snores from where I was standing. I take a careful step, making sure not to wake him. I do it again and again until I was standing in front of him. Now that I was close, I could see a small stream of drool dripping down his face into his pillow. I quickly cover my laugh, cancelling the noise. I watch him sleep for a couple of seconds, enjoying the peaceful sounds of his snores.

Then I jump on him, pressing my forearm against his neck. I keep my knees on his arms, holding them in place. He jolts awake, staring at me in shock. My hand covers his mouth before he could speak.
"I have a few questions for you... Captain Kensei." I growl, keeping my voice low.
His eyes narrow and I feel him breathing from underneath me.
"What were you doing yesterday at company 13, 4:33 P.M.?" I ask, letting go of his mouth.
"I was in a meeting with Captain Jūshirō." He says, glaring at me.
"What was that meeting over?" I ask, staring down at him.
"That's classified information..." His eyes narrow in realization, "Did Yoruichi send you? She's so nosey, always in other people's buissiness."
I laugh, eyes sparkling. "Well, you know how she feels about surprises." I say, sitting on his chest. He pulls himself up, keeping me in his lap.
"It's not like it has anything to do with her, anyway." He says, leaning against his backboard. "She just wants a piece of the action."
I tilt my head, "Who are you planning something for? I thought it was for Yoruichi."
He laughs, shaking his head. "Why would I plan something for Yoruichi? This is for someone secret."
I sigh, collapsing on the bed next to him. "I don't like secrets, Ken! Now I'm never going to be able to sleep!"
He laughs and settles back into his bed. "Just go home, take a bath, and the try to sleep. You'll get over it."
I growl and throw a pillow at him. I climb out of his bed and glare at him.
"Get over it, my butt. Well... Your hair is a mess and you have drool all over your pillow!" I say, turning around on my heels. I glance behind me, smiling at him. "I'll see you, Kensei. I'll make you tell me what you're planning..."
He laughs and ruffles his hair, trying to tame it. "Why waste your birthday tying to figure out my secret?" He asks, smiling at me.
I freeze, an idea flashing in my head. "Does your secret have to do with my birthday?"
He frowns, shaking his head. "Goodnight, Himiko. I'm not telling you anything!"
I laugh and quickly give him a hug before I leave. "Goodnight, Kensei. See you... later today." I say, flash stepping to my house.

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