Unconscious?! Ch. 46

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I really hate to say this but.... Where coming close to the end... I know, I know, that's stupid and this should go on forever. But, my friends, all good things must come to an end. Luckily for you, I am a nice person. So, I'm going to write different endings! *Yay!!* *More junk to read!!* *(~‾▿‾)~*
I will write a different chapter for each person Himiko could end up with. So, grab your snackes and blankets... Let's figure out why the hell Himiko passed out.

Himiko's pov.

I open my eyes, glaring into the blue sky. My body was stiff, laying on the cold grass. I try to move but something was holding me down... My head tilts up. What the fu... My body was surrounded by roots and plants, holding me down. I try to pull my arms out, but they wouldn't budge.
"What the hell..." I groan, "This day just keeps getting better and better."

"It seems that you're stuck."
I stop trying to escape, relaxing against the dirt. "Well, Mizuki... Is there a specific reason for this?"
He laughs, sitting down next to me. "There is a specific reason for everything... Or is it there a specific reason for nothing? Hmmm, I'll have to as Akemi. He is wise, or whatever."
"Where is Akemi?" I ask, trying to look around.
"He is right next to you, Himiko. Can't you see him?"
I look over at my side and see a faint imagine of my Zanpaku-tô. It was translucent and I could see through him. His eyes were closed and his head rested on his giant paws.
"... What's wrong with him...?"
"What's wrong with you?" Mizuki asks, grinning.
"Mizuki. Stop trying to play mind games. You're beating around the bush." I growl, struggling under my roots.
"Heh..." He laughs, eyes on Akemi. "I was never really good with words like Akemi. He always knew what to say and people would listen without question... Sometimes.... Sometimes I wish I was more like him."
"What do you mean?" I ask, tilting my head.
"I could have been a Zanpaku-tô, Himiko. I could have had a relationship like you and Akemi. All I ever wanted to do was protect someone with as much flame as Akemi. But, I was denied that. My spiritual energy resembles a hollow's and after a while, I became one... I may not be the soul I once was, but I can still feel emotions just the same. I am yours, Himiko. I gave you my blade to fight along side Akemi. You are living proof that hollows and shinigami can fight as one. Thank you."
A small smile appears on my face and I smile at him. "You're welcome, Akemi. I'm honored to wield your blade in battle."
"And I am honored to fight along side you, brother." Akemi says, opening one of his eyes.
"..." Mizuki nobs and stands up, swishing his tail. "I believe that you have things to talk about to Himiko, brother. I will give you some privacy."

Akemi nods, watching his brother leave. Once he is gone, Akemi sits up and tilts his head down at me. His eyes flop over and he had a wolfish grin on his face.
"You tired yourself out, Himiko. Those flames that you used drained the little energy you had left." He says, flicking his tail. "That is way I look faded. You almost used all your shinigami powers."
My eyes widen in shock. "Well, damn. Are you okay?"
He nods, laughing. "I will be fine... But...."

"You're stuck."
I laugh, shrugging. "That's what I've been told."
Akemi laughs, "Have you been told why?"
"Nope. Mizuki just left me hanging."
"This is your cross road, Himiko. You walk a path, along with everyone. It's had turns, forks, dead ends, and speed bumps along the way. But now, this choice, is critical to your future. At the moment, Ichigo's in a battle with Aizen. It's a serious one and Ichigo will lose his shinigami powers."
My eyes widen, "What?! I need to sto-"
"That is the path that he took. You can't turn him around, he's already chosen. Your friend, Gin, is laying on the concrete in Karakura... dying. He chose to fight for you and his own beliefs and attacked Aizen. Now he has fallen and no one is there to help him."
My eyes narrow and I struggle against my bindings. I have to help him....
"Tōshirō is laying on the ground, bleeding. Then there is Renji inside Hueco Mundo, wounded. Grimmjow is there also, waiting for your return. There is also Kensei, who thought you were dead and you forgot about him. Lastly there is Kisuke, who has loved you since the beginning." Akemi looks down at the tears trailing down my face and he presses his forehead on mine. "You have some many paths, Himiko... But only one choice... Which one is yours?"

The roots slowly sink back into the earth, releasing me from its grasp. I stand up and wipe the dirt and mud from my Shinigami uniform. I pull my hair into a ponytail and roll my shoulders, making my decision....

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