Extras?! First Kiss?!

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What happens in this extra probably won't happen in the actual story! They don't take place during any specific time either!  Enjoy!


I ran down the dark ally, glancing behind me. "Damn..." I grumble, "It's following me..."
I jump a fence and bolt through someone's yard. I hop another fence and duck behind a dumpster. I try and catch my breath as I hide my spiritual pressure. I can feel it's energy approaching as I curse under my breath. I poke my head out of my hiding spot and my eyes land on the hollow. It's body flickered, becoming invisible and then visible. It's mouth opened, tongue flicking out like a snake. I flinch as it turns to me... as if it had smelled me. It grins and prowls towards me.
"Ah... There you are, Shinigami. I can smell your blood..."
I press my hand against my side, trying to plug the gash.
"It won't stop, Shinigami. Not until I'm dead. It's another thing my saliva can do..." The hollow grabs me and I struggle in his grasp. "Wow... It's sad to see a shinigami not able to use her powers. I almost feel bad taking them away." The hollow laughs, leaning in to eat me.
"I don't think so!" Ichigo yells, slicing off the hollows arm. The hollow screams in agony but he's silenced when Ichigo brings his blade through its head. As it's body fades away, I feel my powers return and my wound stops bleeding.

I grin at Ichigo and try to stand up. I almost topple over and Ichigo quickly catches me, putting an arm around me. I smile at him and wince in pain.
"Damnit, Himiko. What happened?" Ichigo glares at me, glancing at my blood soaked shirt.
"Stupid hollow can turn invisible..." I say, looking in his eyes. "His saliva disabled my powers and induced some sort of ultra blood flow. You came just in time. You saved my-"
Something in Ichigo's eyes shut me up. It was undescribable, almost like a puzzle. He leans forward and places his lips against mine. I easily melt against him and after a while he pulls away, catching his breath. I smile at him and wink.
"Hey... If you saving me earns me a kiss then-" He presses his lips against mine again to shut me up.


I stare at the beautiful night sky, tracing different constalations with my fingers. I toss on my side and look at Tōshirō laying beside me. His eyes were glued on the sky, not even glancing at me. I look at him, admiring his beautiful silver hair and teal eyes. He glances at me and a blush blooms across his face.
"What are you looking at?" He asks, facing towards me.
"You." I say with a blank face.
"Why?" He asks, tilting his head a little.
"Because you're handsome and I like looking at you." I say bluntly, watching his face heat up. He studders a little and shakes his head.
"...D-Don't say stuff like that, Himiko..."
I keep my face straight, looking him in his eyes.
"I also like the way you say my name. Himiko. It sounds beautiful coming from your mouth." His eyes glance away from mine and he frowns, shaking his head a little.
"Why are you saying all of this?"
I scoot closer to him and touch his face, angling it to look at me.
"Because I'm stalling..." Tōshirō narrows his eyes a little, "Stalling for what?"
"For this." I say, pressing my lips against his. His was frozen, completely still under my lips. I pull away and sigh.
"I-I'm sorry, Tōshirō... I just wanted to..."
Tōshirō stares at me in shock and I go to stand up. His arm shoots out and he pulls me back down with him.
"Where are you going, Himiko?" He asks, kissing me passionately. His hands cup around my face and he pulls away, catching his breath. I laugh softly and watch him. His face was basically on fire, the same as mine.
"I like you too, Himiko." He whispered, pulling me closer against his chest for another kiss.


Walking down the streets of Seireitei, I waved at fellow soul reapers.
"Hello, 3rd seat Himiko."
"What's up?"
"How are you?"
I make small talk with them and quickly get back on my path. I speed walk to the edge of the woods and glance around to see if anyone is following. Clear, no one is around. I push through the undergrowth and shove through all of the branches.

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