Arrancar?! Ch. 25

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"So that's why it can move. It's a Gikongan. A substitute soul. For a second I thought it was some kind of fancy windup doll." Renji says, fist stuffed in Kon's mouth.
Rangiku nods, pulling on Kon's arm.
"I've never seen anyone use soul candy on a stuffed animal before. I never knew it word work on them. Those R&D guys do some crazy things.."
"Hey!" Ichigo says, grabbing Kon from Renji. "When are you guys leaving?"
"We're not. We're staying until the Arrancar have been defeated."
"What? But where are guys going to sleep and stuff? There's not enough room here."
"What?!" Rangiku yells. "Not even for me?"
Ichigo flinches. "You?! Exspecialy not you! Did you think you could just make yourselves at home here?!"
Rangiku didn't respond and slowly unbuttens her shirt. I quickly cover Renji's eyes with my foot and Tōshirō's with one of my hands.
"Wha? Himiko gross!" Renji groans, glaring at me. I kick him and quickly butten up her shirt.
She sighs, "Oh well. Then I'll stay with Orihime!"
"Orihime? Have you asked her about that?"
"No, but she won't turn me down!" Rangiku turns to Tōshirō. "Want to come with me, Captain?"
"No way."
"Come on! It'll be fun!"
"For you." He says, following her.
Ikkaku and Yumichika leave next, finding their own place to stay.

"Well then... I guess that I'm off too." Renji says, heading out the door. I get up to follow him.
"Where to?" Ichigo asks.
"I'll go to Urahara's place, for now." Renji looks back at him. "He was the one who got you ready to fight us in just a few day, right? I've always wanted to meet him. Beside... There's a few things I want to ask him..." I nod and loop our arms.
"I need to talk with Kisuke too. I'll come too."
"Okay." Ichigo says, waving.
"Be careful! Urahara's a weirdo!"

I lead Renji to the shop and knock on the door.
"Yo! Kisuke! Let me in!" I call out. I don't get a response and sigh, turning to Renji.
"... That son of a... Let's just wait. He'll open the door eventually."
Renji nods and slumps against the wall, sitting on the ground. I sit next to him and close my eyes.
"It's been a while, huh.. Karakura feels different than Seireitei..." I say, smiling towards the night sky.
Renji clears his throat, "...Yeah..."
I open my eyes and glance at Renji.
"What do you have to ask Kisuke?"
He doesn't respond, instead he places a finger on his lips. I nod slowly, getting up. I walk to the door and kick it.
"I hear you, Jinta. Open the door!"
All of the sudden, there was a huge burst of spiritual pressure. I glance Renji and pop my soul candy in my mouth. I put my hand on my blade and turns to my Gigai.
"Go and hide. Protect yourself if needed."
She salutes me and takes off in the opposite direction of the energy. I turn to Renji.
"You stay here, Kisuke will let you in eventually. And when he does, tell him that we need to talk..."
Renji opens him mouth to protest and I shake my head. "I'm going to see if Ichigo needs any help... Rukia... She can't handle everything right now, okay?"
Renji nods and I quickly give him a hug.
"Don't worry, Ren! I'll be back in a jiffy!"
"You'd better."

I take off towards Ichigo's spirit energy, quickly finding it. When I get there, I see Rukia on the ground. Bloody. And Ichigo was staring down a man. When I take him in, my breath gets caught in my throat. He had beautiful blue hair that was pushed back, but a few strands escaped into his eyes. He had a bone fragment stuck to his jaw and he wore a white jacket that was open, exposing his chiseled abs. Ichigo launches himself at him and the man easily flicks him away.
"Hey! Who do you think I am? I didn't come here to butcher lambs. I'm taking it easy on you. Hurry up and unleash your bankai. Otherwise... You're gonna be full of holes like that lump of a soul reaper over there."
I release a little bit if my spiritual pressure and they both look at me. I glared at the blue haired man and flames flickered around me. There was something about this man.....
"Did you do that?" I say, pointing to Rukia. He stares at me, exspressionless, and then his mouth curls into a grin.
"And what if I did, woman? Are you going give me a wittle burn?" I laugh and unshealthe my sword, flames pouring around it.
"Ichigo..." I say, not breaking eye contact with the blue haired man. "You can use Bankai, eh? I'll just use shikai. I want to give him a wittle burn." Ichigo nods.
"Shikai!" We shout in unison.
The man nods, grinning widely. "That's more like it."
The smoke clears away from me and I flick my tail, glaring at the man. Ichigo lunges at him, but he catches the blade with his hand. He throws him across the street and I launch myself at him. I land a punch on his face and his grins at me, spitting blood.
"That was a good hit..."
I grin back, and Ichigo comes up from behind him a and slashed down. The man dodges a kicked him in the face. I growl and the man jumps into the sky.
"Hmph... You call that Bankai?! It only gives you average speed! And you, woman! Shikai? All you have is a tail and ears! You disappoint me, shinigami! Is that all you've got?! Well?!"
I feel my mask appear in my uniform and I pull in out, running my finger along the bone edges.

Ichigo yells, "Getsuga... Ten-Shô! (Moon fang, piercer of the heavens)"
A black wave of energy flys at the man and he raises his arms to block. I launch myself into the air and grab the man, slamming him back to the ground. I stand on his bleeding chest and he grins at me.
"That move... Wasn't in Ulquiorra's report, soul reaper! And you, woman, were never mentioned!"
I laugh and grin at him.
"Still disappointed, Arrancar?"
Ichigo grabs his face and mumbles something to himself. My mask slips from my pocket and the man's eyes widen. Before he could say anything, the sky rips open and Tôsen steps out. I step off of the man and grab my mask.
"Oh? You're masters calling, Arrancar.~ Best not keep him waiting."
He springs to his feet and draws his sword.
"Alright! You're finally worth killing now! I wouldn't just stand there, shinigami! It's my turn now!"
Tôsen appears behind him and places a hand on his shoulder.
"Sheathe your sword...Grimmjow." Grimmjow glares at him.
"Tôsen! Why are you here?!"
"Why, you ask? I think you already know. You invaded the world of the living without permission. You also mobilized five Arrancar without authorization... And lost all five. These are serious offenses... Lord Aizen is not pleased, Grimmjow. Let's go." He says, walking away. "Your punishment will be decided in Hueco Mundo."
"Hmph... Fine." Grimmjow says, following.
"Wait?!" I yell, looking up at him.
"Where are you going?!" Ichigo yells.
"Shut up." Grimmjow says, glancing back at us. "We're going back to Hueco Mundo."
"What?!" Ichigo screams, "You can't just come here, attack us, and then leave! You've got to be kidding!"
I wave my arms. "Yeah! We're not finished yet!"

"Not finished?" Grimmjow says, turning around. "Give me a break. Tôsen just saved your lives. It's obvious that that move takes a huge toll on you, soul reaper. You'd be lucky if you could do it three more times... Even if you could do it a hundred times, you still couldn't defeat me while I'm in release mode." He looks at me, grinning. "As for you, woman... You're hiding something... I'll make sure to see you again. Don't forget my name." He turns back to Ichigo. "Grimmjow Jeagerjaques! Next time you hear that name, you're dead meat, shinigami!" The sky closes around him and I flip the sky off.
"What type of name is Jeagerjaques? And how the hell am I supposed to remember that?"

"The arrancar returned to Hueco Mundo, eh?" Renji said, walking towards us. I glance at Ichigo, still staring at the sky. "You won." Renji says.

"I lost."
"Fool. If you're alive, them you won."
"Stop. You know better. If you were me... You'd feel the same way. I didn't protect anyone. I couldn't defeat our enemies. I lost to Grimmjow." I sigh and put and arm around his shoulders.
"Come one, Ichigo. We both lost." He nods and doesn't respond.

Meanwhile in Hueco Mundo

"Welcome back, Grimmjow." Aizen says, sitting on a throne. Grimmjow just glares at him, without saying a thing.
"Well?" Kaname says, "Aren't you going to apologise, Grimmjow?"
Tôsen glares at him, "You..."
"It's alright, Kaname. I'm not angry." Aizen smiles, "I take Grimmjow's actions to be an overzealous display of loyalty. Am I wrong, Grimmjow?"
"No, my Lord." He says, Tôsen grabs him shoulder.
"What're you doing Tôsen?" Grimmjow glares.
"Lord Aizen! Let me execute him!"
Grimmjow smirks at him. "This is personal. You just don't like me. Is that anyway for a Director General to Behave?"
Tôsen glares at him, "I believe that anyone who disrupts peace should pay. That's all."
"Who's peace? The groups?"
"Lord Aizen's."
Grimmjow laughs, "Fine, hide behind the cause."
"Exactly... It's all about the cause. Your raid lacked purpose." Tôsen placed his hand on the blade. "Killing without purpose is murder. On the other hand... Killing with purpose..."
he cuts off Grimmjow's arm. " justice. Hadô 54, Haien (Abolition Flame)" He burns Grimmjow's arm to a crisp and Grimmjow screams.
"No!! No!! You rat! You cut off my arm!" Grimmjow springs at Tôsen, "You're dead!"
"Stop... Grimmjow. If you attack Kaname, you'll force me to reprimand you." Aizen says calmly. Grimmjow stops and glares, walking away.

Once he is gone, Aizen steps from his throne and heads down the hallway.
"Playing with your men again? You're a cruel man." Aizen glances at him.
"Eavesdropping, Gin?"
Gin just grins at him. "You knew what Kaname would do after you said what you did."
"Perhaps." Aizen says, looking out the window.
"You do realize we lost five Arrancars."
"What of it?" Aizen says, smiling. "They were only Gillans. It won't effect our plan in the least. Once we've assembled enough Vasto Lordes and the Espadas are complete, no one will be able to stop us. And..."
Aizen says, turning to face Gin. "Grimmjow doesn't know it, but what he did greatly improved our strength." Gin tilts his head. "How so?"
"He found my champion."
Gin freezes, but quickly recovers. "Himiko is in the human world?"
Aizen smiles, shaking his head. "Not for long."

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