Ichigo Ending?!

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"Is it too late to save Ichigo?" I ask, resting my hand on my blade.
"Unfortunately his power has already been lost." Akemi says, walking towards me. "But is that your decision?"
"Yes. Take me to him." I say, feeling my eyesight disappear.

Once I open my eyes again, I was standing in the middle of Ichigo's room. I freeze for a second and glance down at my clothes. My shinigami uniform had been replaced, a brand new one had settled around my body. My eyes scan the room and land on Ichigo laying in his bed. I walk over to him and set down beside him. My hand reaches up and traces his eyebrows, which were settled into a deep glare. I laugh quietly and watch him for a while.

I turn around, seeing Isshin standing in the door.
"Oh. What's up, Mr. Kurosaki?" I ask, half waving at him. "Sorry to intrude."
"You're okay, Himiko..." Isshin say, leaning against the door frame. "He would want you here."
I nod, looking back at Ichigo's sleeping form. "How long has he been like this?"
"For a while now." Isshin says, watching him. "Urahara said that we're just waiting for his spiritual energy to stabilize."
"Then it will disappear..."
Isshin nods, signing. "You can stay as long as you want, Himiko. I'm sure Ichigo would want you here whenever he wakes up."
"I will stay as long as I can." I say, smiling at him.
Isshin nods, walking away. "Holler if you need anything."

I turn back to face Ichigo, frowning softly at him.
"Please wake up, Ichigo." I whisper, running my necklace through my fingers. The blade if his necklace was dangling out of his shirt. "I need you here with me."

Almost one month later

I sat on the office chair in Ichigo's room, spinning absent mindedly. I watched the ceiling move with wide eyes, enjoying the dizzy feeling that passed over me.

My foot plants down, stoping myself from spinning anymore. Orihime was standing in the doorway, Chad and Uryū behind her. I smile at them.
"What's up, guys?" I ask, watching them spin around in circles.
"How is Ichigo?" Chad asks, walking through the doors.
"Has he changed any?" Orihime asks, walking behind him.
"His spiritual energy is almost stable. He should be waking up any time now." I say, trying to steady myself.
Orihime smiles and Ishida crosses his arms, glaring.
"Geez, took him long enough." He says, glaring slightly at Ichigo's sleeping form.
I laugh, hearing the fondness behind his words. No matter what Uryū says, he cares about his shinigami friend. I feel Ichigo's spiritual energy change, suddenly becoming completely level.

Orihime, Chad, and Ishida all lean over Ichigo's bed, waiting for him to wake up. I stumble forward, falling over because of my dizziness. I face plant into Ichigo's chest and he jumps awake, eyes wide with shock.
"Wha?!...H-Himiko...?" He asks, rubbing his eyes. I laugh, peeling myself off his bed.
"What's up, Sleeping Beauty?" I ask, grinning at him.
"Hey!" Orihime says, smiling at him.
Ichigo pulls himself up, looking around confused. "Huh? I'm home?"
I nod, frowning slightly at him. "You were asleep for about a month, baka."
"Everyone is so calm." Orihime whispers, blush searing across her face. "I'm so embarrassed... I'm the only one who shouted..."
Ichigo blinks, processing the information. Then he spazzes out, grabbing his chest. "That's right! My powers!"
"... You lost them, didn't you...?" I ask, crossing my arms.
Ichigo looks at me, rubbing his head. "Looks like I did. I'd better resign as deputy soul reaper now."
"Do you know what this means?" I ask, getting his attention again. "You just went through some of the stages of loss. At this point, your shinigami powers are lost. In the second stage, your shinigami powers stabilize and you wake up. Shortly after that, the rest of your spiritual energy disappears."
"I see." Ichigo says, stretching his arms. "I thought so."
"You already knew?" I ask, blinking in shock.
"Nah. I kind of had a feeling that's how it would be." Ichigo says, glancing out the window. "Can we go outside, Himi?"
I nod, glancing back at our friends. "Sure... We'll be right back, guys."
Orihime and Chad nod, Uryū doesn't even glance at me. I think he still may be mad about me blowing up his sewing kit... It's his fault he left it sitting out while I was bored and had nothing else to do... Right?

Once we get outside, Ichigo's looks up and down the street, looking for something. He was trying to sense any spirits. My heart sinks and I grab his hand. His eyes meet mine and I can see him struggle to concentrate on me.
"You're disappearing, Himi..." He whispers, hand tight around mine.
I try to smile at him, but my face wouldn't move. My lip started to quiver and Ichigo pulls me into his chest. "It's okay, Himi. Even if I can't see you, I'll still know you're here. Don't look so sad."
I glare, whipping my face. "What good is that? That doesn't cheer me up at all!" I say, frowning at him. "And I'm not sad either! I'm fine!"
Ichigo laughs, pulling me close against him. His arms tighten around me and his chin rests on my head. "It's okay to be sad, Himi. You know what?"
"..." I lift my head, meeting his eyes. "W-What?"
"You can always just get a gigai from Mr. Hat-and-Clogs. This isn't that last time I'll see you.' Ichigo says, smiling at me.
My mouth opens in shock and quickly pull him down, kissing him quickly on the lips. "Oh yeah!" I say, grinning. "I forgot about that! Why are we being so dramatic then?"
Ichigo laughs, shrugging. "I just remembered... I can't really see you anymore, Himi. Just stop by Urahara's place and then come back, okay?" Ichigo asks, smiling in my direction. "I will be waiting for you, Himi."
I nod, turning around and taking off towards Kisuke's shop with a large smile on my face.

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