Enter! Himiko Yamamoto! Ch. 1

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"Wait up! *Huff* Come on, Kenny! You walk too fast!" I pant, trying to keep up with his long strides. He grumbles something and ignores me. My feet freeze and I cross my arms. Rue smiles at me, her pink head bobbing as Kenpachi runs.
"Hurry, Himi! You're going to be late!... Take this left, Kenny..." I laugh and sprint after them.
"You're going to be the reason we are late! We were supposed to take a right!"
Kenpachi groans and Yachiru gives me a pouty face.

We quickly backtrack and run to the large building. We slow down and I catch my breath.
"Why did we run 60 laps around Seireitei and why are we here? I thought we were going to train... Not file paperwork."
Kenpachi silences me with a look and I smile, slyly.
"Are you not caught up on paperwork? Huh, Pachi? You're so lazy, you want me to do it?"
His face twitches and Yachiru sticks out her tongue at me. I groan when I walk into our base, pushing open the big doors.
I walk over to Pachi's desk and pick up his large stack of papers. I quickly shuffle through them and hand him a couple of the easy ones.
"Here, work on these while I do the rest... You owe me a day off for this..." I mumbles, sinking into his big chair. He nods and pulls my chair up to his desk.

We quickly pour ourselves into the papers and I finish the stack before he started his 3rd sheet.
"You're so slow... Let me do the rest." I grab the rest from his open hands and quickly fill them out. Once I'm done, I lean back into the chair and stretch my arms in the air, groaning. Yachiru was asleep on Kenpachi's back and Pachi was glaring at the stack of papers like his was going to murder them. I laugh and pick the pile up. He looks at me with wide eyes.
"It's okay, Pachi. I'm going to run these to Captain Hitsugaya. I'll see y'all tomorrow for sparring. Goodnight!"
Kenpachi nods and waves me off. I stumble out of his office and almost run into Yumichika.
"Hey! Watch out, ugly! You almost made me drop Cap's paperwork! We just spent forever on this!"
Yumichika glares at me and sneers. "Ugly?! I'll have to buy you a mirror, Himiko. Cause you are the ugly one!" He stomps away and I look up to meet Ikkaku's playful gaze.
"Huh, he gets even more ugly when he's mad!" Ikkaku laughs and bumps my forehead with his fist.
"Can't have you bullying my partner like that, Himi."
I groan and shrug. "He started it... Called me ugly right to my face. Can you believe that!"
Ikkaku laughs and shakes his head at me. "That was 50 years ago, Himi. He was jealous, that's all."
I grin at him and start to walk away. "The pain's still real, so very, very real."
I close the door on Ikkaku bursting with loud laughter. "Sorry, Man! She's definitely still mad! Give it another 50-ish years!"  I laugh and take off to Division 10.

Once I get close, I slow down to a brisk walk. While nodding greetings to random Shinigami, I scan the area for the short Captain. I see a flash of white hair and I grin, slyly. I quickly find a soul reaper standing close by and stomp over to him, furiously.
"Who are you?! How could you say that about your own captain?!" My voice grows louder and out of the corner of my eye, I see Tōshirō look in my direction.
The soul reaper looks at me with wide, confused, eyes. "I-I didn't-"
I interupt. "You called him a short, baby man! You said he looked like he was 32 instead of 150! You said that, if you mix an ice cube with a wet blanket, it would make Captain Hitsugaya! I can't believe you said all these things! Have you no shame?! Can you only come up with insults about his height and preteen like appearence?! He has other faults, ya know?!"
I try to keep my face straight as Tōshirō makes his way to us. He stops in front of me and my victim tries to apologise to his captain.
"No, it's okay. I know that you didn't say these things. You are free to resume your duties." He scurries away and doesn't look back.

I slowly turn to face Tōshirō with my eyes wide and mouth in a frown/smile.
"Jeez, you need to teach your squad respect. If Pachi heard anything like that, he'd have them killed on the spot..." I elbow him, trying not to laugh. He groans and glares at me.
"Shut up, Himiko. You're not welcome here, if you're going to bully random reapers. They're going to think that they can say things like that, because they heard you saying it."
I link our elbows and grin at him. "Then I would have to beat them up. Only I can say that about you. It's a privilege, really."
He mumbles something about women and I lead him to his office, grinning.
I set the stack of papers in his office and throw myself into his chair, sighing. "Pachi had us running 60 laps around Seireitei today... All because Yachiru got us lost, heading to our own division... Her sense of direction is getting worse..."
My hands fumble around Tōshirō's desk and I pull open the bottom drawer. I grab a handful of chocolate kisses and I grin at Suga. "At least you can give me some kisses to make the pain of today go away~"
I pucker up my lips and wink at him. He blushes and collapse on one of his chairs.
"My day has been rough too..." I toss him a piece of chocolate and he catches it with ease. He unwraps it slowly and plops it in his mouth, letting it melt.

"What happen with you?" He sighs and glances at the door.
"Just a ton of paperwork... Rangeku got drunk with Hisagi last night and had a bad hangover so she couldn't focus. I owed her something, so I did her paperwork for today..."
I laughs and shake my head. "That sounds just like her... Something must be up for her to get drunk enough to miss work. Has anything happened recently?"
He shakes his head slowly and meets my gaze. "Nothing comes to mind. Maybe it was just one of those nights?"
I nod thoughtfully and a grin forms on my face. "Hey, Suga.... You owe me something also..."
He sweat-dropped and glares in my direction. "What do you want, now?"
I climb out of his chair and grin at him. "Homemade ice cream doesn't sound half bad. I'm not sure if that's what I want to cash it in on... But you do make some kick ass ice cream..." I sigh and shrug my shoulders. "I don't know yet, just reminding you I still remember."
He stands up with me and I give him a small hug. "Goodnight, Tōshirō. See you tomorrow." "Goodnight, Himiko. See you then."

I walk out of his office and leave the building. The sun was just below the horizon and I smile softly at the beautiful sunset. I walk to my apartment, savoring the setting sun's warmth.

"W-Wait! Wait up, Himi!"

I glance behind me and see Rukia running to me. I smile at her and wait for her to catch up.
"What's up, short stuff?"
She glares at me and walks with me to my apartment.
"Let's talk for a second..."
I let her in and we set on the couch. She glances at me and smiles softly.
"I'm going to the Material World, Karakura town to be exact. There has been a raise in hollow attacks and I'm being sent to figure it out." I stare at her in shock. "You're leaving?!"

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