Extras!? Fluff?!

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In this chapter of extras, things are about to get a little fluffy. So grab some popcorn and get reading!

(Because he was recently introduced)
I wake up and glance at my clock. It read 3:43. I hear the door click open and someone shuffle inside. They walk towards the bed and stop.
"Woma... H-Himiko? Are you awake?" He whispers, waiting for a response.
I close my eyes and toss around, facing towards him and pretending to be asleep. He kneels next to the bed and touches my face, just a quicky rub of his thumb. Then he stands up and the bed creaks, moving to fit his weight. He tucks himself into my blankets and pulls me close to him, resting his chin on my shoulder. His breathing was soft and I yawn, touching his face.
"...Grimmjow..?" I whisper, smiling at him. He leans against my touch and sighs.
"...Hey, Himiko... Can I sleep with you tonight?"
I nod, "Sure..." He kisses my shoulder and smiles softly.
"Goodnight, Himiko." He whispers, relaxing against me.
"Night, Grimmjow." I yawn, laying my head against his chest. He does this occasionally... walking into my room in the middle of the night, sliding into the bed next me. At first I thought it was because he had a nightmare...
Now I think he just likes to hold me when he's asleep. Every time we wake up in the morning, his arms are clamped around me, holding me against him. Like he's scared to let go.


I walk through the streets of Karakura with my earbuds in my ears, bopping my head to the song. I open my apartment door, pulling my earbuds out.
"Hey, Ichigo! You home?!" I call out, closing the door behind me. I listen for a response but come up empty.
I set my bag down on the couch and walk to the kitchen. I grab a bag of chips and a bottle of cranberry juice. I make my way back to the TV and collapse on the couch. I grab the remote and flip to the cooking channel. After watching a few minutes of the show, I check my watch and sigh.
"..He was supposed to be here half an hour ago... What is that man doing?" I mutter to myself, stuffing chips into my mouth. I watch Gordon Ramsay yelling at all the poor chefs who didn't cook their fish all the way and smile a little.
I hear the door click open and I don't look to see who it is. They walk in and I hear keys jingle as they set them down. Arms wrap around me and they rest the chin on my head.
"Don't be mad, Himi." He whispers, kissing the top of my head. I sigh and look up at him.
"I'm not mad. I'm watching Hell's Kitchen." Ichigo laughs and hops over the couch, siting next to me. He hands me a bouquet of flowers and grins, in his goofy way.
"I'm sorry for being late." He says, pulling out a book of chocolates. "Look. To make up for it... I got you a fifty pack of your favorite chocolates."
I try to look cross, but end up grinning, hugging him.
"That's the third time this week, you know?" I say, keeping him close. He nods and pulls me closer.
"I know... Tomorrow, I promise you, I won't be late. Maybe I'll even be early, just to surprise you." He says, bumping me with his elbow.
I laugh and settle next to him. "Well, it's not much of a surprise when you tell me."
He laughs and shushes me. "Shhh... Don't ruin my great idea."


I grin as I tuck further into the covers, concealing myself. I pull a couple of pillows over my head and I breathe shallow. I wait for a couple of minutes until the door clicks open. I hear footsteps and the the bed shifts, creaking under weight. I feel the blankets get lifted up from on top of me and I hold my breath. The blankets drop back down and I choke on a sigh of relief.
All of the sudden, bare skin touches my leg and they let out a loud scream. The blankets get ripped off and I look up at them grinning. Renji glares at me, clutching his heart. My eyes drop to his bare chest and shorts and my face heats up as my eyes trace his tattoos.

"Himiko! You just scared the shit out of me!" He says, shaking his head. I burst out laughing and make a pouty face at him, trying to look him in the eye.
"Aww... Did I scare you, Renji Poo?" He smirks at me and shrugs.
"..." He pounces on me, hands tickling me. I wiggle around and tears fill my eyes.
"Renji! S-Stop!" I choke out, trying to escape from him. "P-Please! I'll do anything!"
He freezes and sits on my stomach, tilting his head and smirking at me.
"Anything?" I nod slowly and he climbs off of me.
"I want you to sleep with me. Here. Right now." I blush and start to studder.
"Renji... I don't think..." He shakes his head and rubs his neck.
"I'm not talking about sex, Himiko." I blush at the word and he winks. "I just want to sleep next to you." I frown and glance at him.
"Why? We slept next to each other before..." Renji climbs back into the bed and lays on his side, facing me.
"Yeah... But never in my bed. It's different, for me at least." He says, pulling my closer. I nod and smile, tracing the tattoos on his arm.
"Okay... Just for tonight..." Renji shrugs, taking my hand and kissing my fingertips.
"You never know, maybe you'll like sleeping here than at your place." I laugh and rest my head against his chest.
"Says you. The one who's at my place 24/7." He laughs softly and slowly kisses my shoulder.
"Only cause you're there."


I sit on my bed grinning, trying to peek through my blindfold.
"Ah, Ah, Ah...." Gin calls from another room. "Don't peek!"
I sigh and collapse on my bed.
"Oh, come on! The anticipation is killing me!" I groan, pouting. I hear footsteps walk through the door and hands cover my face.
"Killing you?! You're dying?!" Gin asks, worried. "How can I help?! Any last words before you leave this world?!" I smirk and pull his head closer.
"...Yes...." I whisper.
"What?! What is it?!"
"Please... Tell my... my boyfriend... Gin... Tell him that..." I take a breath, making a dramatic pause.
"What? Tell him what?!" Gin asks, pulling me into his lap. I gasp for air, clutching his shirt in my hands.
"Tell... Tell him..." I sit up, grinning at him. "Tell him to hurry up. He's taking forever."
Gin laughs and pulls me closer into his chest. I peek through my blindfold and he pulls it back down.
"Nope. No peeking." He says, resting his head against mine. I frown and feeling around for his hands. My fingers run along his arms and find his hands by my sides. He takes my hands in his and puts them against his face, kissing my palm.
I laugh and shake my head. "What are you doing? I can't see a thing..."
Gin laughs, "Oh? You can't see me do this?" He kisses my cheek softly. "And you can't see me do this?"
His mouth moves to my nose and his kisses it carefully. I shake my head, struggling to find my voice. He hesitates and traces my lips with his thumb.
"...Can you see me do this...?" He places his lips on mine and kisses me, passionate. I gasp and he tugs up my blindfold. Once he pulls back, I try to catch my breath.
"W-What was the surprise?" I ask, watching Gin settle down beside me. He glances at me and tilts his head.
"What surprise?" He asks, grabbing my hands and pulling me closer to him. He leans in and whispers in my ear, "I am the surprise, silly."


I jolt awake, choking on my scream. I hyperventilate, hugging my stuffed animal.
"It's just a dream... It's just a dream..." I say, trying to calm myself down. I wipe the sweat from my brow and climb out of bed. I grab a robe and put it on. I tuck Mr. Kitty under my arm and walk out to my living room. I tip toe to the door and open it, sliding out side.
I flash step to Tōshirō's house and unlock the door, slowly opening it. I walk in and carefully lock it behind me. I tip toe through his house and peek my head into his bedroom. He was asleep on his bed, limbs spread everywhere. I tip toe to him and try and find my voice.
"T... Tōshirō?" He doesn't reply and I lay my hand on his arm.
"Tōshirō. Please wake up." His eyes flicker open and he flinches.
"Himiko?" He asks, voice heavy from sleep. "What's wrong?"
Tears spring to my eyes and I frown at him.
"C-Can I stay over here tonight?" I ask, wiping my eyes. He blinks a couple of times and scoots over on his bed, giving me room. I take off my robe and set it on the ground. I slide into his blankets and take a shaky breath.
"..What's wrong..?" Tōshirō asks, scooting closer to me. I try to speak but my throat closed up. He wipe my tears and smiles softly at me. "Did you have a bad dream?"
I nod and he hugs me against his chest. "Can you tell me what it was about?" He asks, messaging my shoulder.
"I... I don't remember... exactly. But I'm... I'm still scared." I let out a small laugh and shake my head. "I'm sorry to wake you up, Suga. I'm a mess." He frowns and shakes his head. "You're not a mess, Himiko. Everyone has nightmares." I glance at him.
"Even you?"
He laughs, nodding his head slowly. "Exspecialy me."
"W-What do you have nightmares about?" I ask, tucking against him. I feel his chest move as he breathes, the steady rythem helps calm me down.
"Recently... I had a bad dream." I look up at him, he was frowning slightly and his eyes met mine. "It was about losing you."
I smile and kiss him gently.
"That's how you know it was just a dream. I'm not going anywhere."
He nods, closing his eyes and resting his head on my shoulder. "How do I know this isn't a dream?" I smile and listen to him breathe, my fears melting away and my eyes grow heavy.

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