Just A Charm?! Ch. 19

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I stand on my rock and  admire the little charm on my blade. It was a small, wolf shaped hollow, grinning at me. I frown a little.
"It's kind of unsettling... This looks just like Akemi... but as a hollow..." I rub it with my fingers and it crumbles away, absorbing into my skin.
"W-What the?!" I stare at my hand in shock and my vision grows heavy.
"What have you done?" Is all I hear before I pass out.

I open my eyes and find myself in a deep, thick forest. Standing in front of Akemi. I glance around and look at Akemi confused.
"What happened? Where are we?" Akemi smiles softly and looks around.
"We're in a separate universe. Your very own plane of existence."
I nod and look around.
"Not too shabby... Not bad... Not bad at all..." Akemi laughs and bumps me with his paw.

"You're here for a reason, Little Ōkami. Are you aware?" I frown at him and shake my head.
"Aware of what?"
He points his head at the chain connected to my chest. I gasp and pull on it.
"Don't touch it, Little Ōkami. You're going through encroachment. Don't get too close to their teeth... They are little hunters, ruthless and starving. It's devouring itself. And if you get too close, it's take a bite of you too." I let go of my severed chain and stare at Akemi in shock.
"... Ordinarily, it might take months, even years for a soul to get in this condition. But here, in this Oblivion... You have 72 hours. Three days. In that time, you will find your pack and take over as alpha. Or you will become a hollow and I'll dispose of you.
I nod and look around. "Now... Was this your decision? Or mine?"
"Neither of us. It was Aizen. I'm not sure what he'll accomplish by this, but you're in danger... Now hurry and find your pack." I nod and take off in no specific direction, wincing in pain.

It took me hours to find the first wolf. It was 6 feet tall and pure gold, purple swirls around it's fur.
I approach it with my head held high, trying to asert my dominance.

"Greeting, little Ōkami. Is is wise to approach?" She asks, standing up from her laying position.
I grin, baring my teeth a little.
"Hello, wolf. Who is your alpha?"
She laughs and grows a little.
"Not you, little one." I growl back and step towards her, pushing on her with my spirit pressure. She stumbles and lets out a small whine.
"It will take more than that for me to follow you, little one."
I let out a scream as the second encroachment happens, losing a little control of my spirit pressure. It shoves the wolf again, this time pushing her to the ground. She whines and bows her head at me.
"...Now, that is what I will follow. Alpha."
I nod and wipe the sweat off my brow.
"Then follow."
She picks herself up and bows to me.
'I am Omega Tsuki." She tells me. I nod and continue on my journey.

After a while, I find another wolf. This time, it was huge, almost as big as Akemi. He had brilliant scarlet fur, with pure gold swirls. He growls as I approach, but I don't stop. I keep my eyes on his and bare my teeth, mirroring his exspession.

"Don't come any closer, pup." He growls at me. I return the growl and keep walking.
"You aren't my alpha, wolf. I am yours."
He laughs and lunges at me, nipping at my shoulder. I barely dodge him and Tsuki whines.

"Don't interfere, Omega Tsuki. I can handle this!" I call out to her, glaring at the wolf in front of me. I hear her whine and the wolf laughs.
"That is your pack? Just a small Omega? You will need to be stronger than that to have a chance against me."
I lunge at him and dodge his bite. I bring my foot against his chest and kick off of him, landing in the dirt at a safe distance. I groan in pain and bite on my lip to keep from screaming. That was number three.
The wolf stumbles and lunges at me while I'm dazed. He lands a bite on my leg and I scream in pain. I let go of my spirit energy and it condenses into a flame. It burns the wolves muzzle and he lets go of me, whining. I grab my control of in and the flames dwindle. The wolf chuckles and bows his head.
"It's been a while since I've been burned. For that, I will call you Alpha. I am Beta Ryos."
I nod at him and feel myself grow stronger, as if Ryos's power combined with my own.

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