33. He Hits You -Ashton&Michael- •Part 2•

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A S H T O N ;

You wake up on the floor with a pounding headache and lay still, unsure of what to do with yourself. You hear rain hitting your window and you laugh bitterly to yourself, thinking how appropriate rain is for a time like this. Mixed with the rain, you hear voices outside of your door. You get up, shuffling toward the window and peeking out to see what is going on. "Ashton?" You see a few teenage girls staring warily at a sleeping figure in front of the door. "Wha-?" Ashton sits up, looking around sleepily, probably expecting to see you, because his face falls when he sees the fans. "Hey," he mumbles. "What are you doing?" They ask seriously. "Oh, uh, I forgot my keys last night and Y/N was asleep," he lies, shrugging. They shake their heads, clearly not believing his story. "Are you and Y/N breaking up?" One girl asks. Ashton's head snaps up to look at her and he responds, "No! Where would you get that idea?" "You're sleeping outside," she mumbles, "And since you've woken up you still haven't tried knocking. "I've been talking to you guys!" He defends. "Okay, knock," the girl challenges, nodding toward the door. He looks up at the door apprehensively, but has no choice but to get up and knock. You hesitate at the door, but decide to open it, sighing with false relief when you see Ashton. "Where were you?" You ask, hugging him tightly, "I woke up this morning and saw you never came home and I was so worried!" "I forgot my keys," Ashton mumbles, looking at you questioningly. "You're soaking wet," you say with an exasperated sigh, "C'mon you have to change." You lead him inside and shut the door before turning to him, all signs of relief wiped from your face. "Thanks," he murmurs, avoiding your eyes. "Yeah, well I didn't want fans asking me questions," you mumble, rolling your eyes. He nods, letting a heavy silence fall over the two of you. "I really screwed up," he says finally. "I know," you say quietly. "But I really love you," he adds. "I know," you repeat, a smile twitching at the corners of your mouth. Without waiting for another word you rush to him, hugging him tightly.

M I C H A E L ;

"Y/N? Y/N!" You wake with a start, looking around in confusion and noticing two girls around your age looking at you with concern. You sit up and notice that you're on a park bench. "Are you okay?" One of the girls asks, sitting beside you on the bench. "I'm fine," you reply shortly. "Your cheekbone is swollen," the other girl points out, sitting on your other side. "I hit it on, er, a door," you lie. Despite your current hatred toward Michael, you didn't want his fans knowing what had happened. "Michael hit you," the first girl states. "Where'd you get that idea?" You ask, although you don't really care what the answer is. She hands you her phone and you read Michael's most recent tweets. 'I'm such an idiot,' He tweeted last night. 'Maybe it's true that you don't know a good thing until it's gone. Maybe you just don't know how to treat it until it's gone,' he had said an hour ago. You hand her phone back, not saying anything. "That plus the bruise, well, it's pretty obvious," she shrugs. "Please don't tell anyone," you whisper, looking at her imploringly. "We won't," her friend says with a comforting smile, "But if we put it together anyone could. You shouldn't be out if you don't want anyone to know." You nod slowly, blinking back tears as you reply, "I don't know where to go." "Do you love Michael?" The first girl asks quietly. "What?" You ask, taken aback by her sudden question. "You heard me," she says firmly. "Well, yeah, of course, but-" "Maybe you should give him another chance," she interrupts. "He really loves you," the second girl interjects, "And the fans really love you." You sigh, not knowing what to do. "Yeah," you sigh, "Yeah. I guess so. Thanks." You get up and walk a block to your house, keeping your head down to avoid any other fans. You pull out a key, unlocking the front door and letting yourself in. "Y/N?" Michael says in disbelief. You smile at him and he rushes up, enveloping you in a bone crushing hug.


Finally got a second part for you guys. Even though there's different part ones, there is a part two to go with them. I did that because basically everyone was asking where part two is or asking for a part two.

I hope this is okay with you all 😃

Plus, credit for this goes to '5saucefeels' on Tumblr. Go check her out, her preferences are amazing 😊


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