26. He Says Something Bad About You To The Boys -Part 2-

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A S H T O N ;

It had been an hour since you heard Ashton calling you clingy, and honestly, you were hurt.

Ashton had been banging on the door for the past twenty minutes but you weren't interested in what he had to say.

"Babe, please! I'm so sorry, so so sorry. I didn't mean what I said. I love your cuddles. Please baby, I'm sorry." Ashton was pleading.

"Then why say something you don't mean? Just felt like showing off to the boys? Making me look bad in front of them? Why say something that you don't mean Ashton?" You were in tears.

"I don't know Y/N... It was a stupid thing to say. I didn't mean it! Please believe me, I didn't mean it!"

You opened the door to see Ashton's tear stained cheeks and hurt expression. The look on his face broke your heart.

"I'm so sorry baby." Ashton sobs, falling into your arms.

"Shhh, Ash, it's okay." You whisper, rubbing his back.

"No it's not okay. I should never have said it. It was stupid. I'll make it up to you, I promise." He mumbles, his tears subsided and you both share a make-up kiss.

L U K E ;

You took your daughter up to your bedroom and closed the door behind you. She started crying, probably scared by you shouting.

"Shh, Mummy's sorry for shouting. It's okay baby." You soothe her.

"Y/N?" Luke says, walking into the room. "Let me take her."

"No Luke. Clearly I don't do enough as a mum so let me." You snap.

He sighed and rolled his eyes, knowing he shouldn't have said what he did.

"I'm so sorry love... Please just let me get her to sleep and we can talk." He pleaded.

"Fine." You said, handing her over to him.

"Shhh, Daddy's here. It's okay baby girl." He murmured, holding her close. He laid on the bed with her snugged into his chest, and you sat cross legged next to him.

"Maybe you're right... I should do more. I'm sorry Luke." You admitted.

"No... I shouldn't have said what I said. We need to start working as a team more, agreed?" He smiled.

"Agreed. I love you both so much." You kissed Luke then kissed your daughter's head.

M I C H A E L ;

One week later and you've barely spoken to Michael. He's been at the studio and you've spent a lot of time at the gym, desperately wanting to lose weight.

It was Friday night and you have just came back from the gym to find Michael playing Fifa alone.

"Hey babe, there you are. I've barely seen you this week." He smiles, standing up and pulling you into his arms.

You hugged him back lightly, wondering if he notices anything different.

"Y/N, why the hell are you suddenly so skinny?!" Michael asked, concerned.

"Really?" You grin, feeling proud.

"That's not a good thing babe, why are you doing this to yourself?"

"I heard you say to Ashton that I should do more excersise, I wanted to be perfect for you." You mumble.

"No no no..." Michael sighed. "I just said it because I was in a bad mood, this is way too far Y/N! Look how skinny you are! I'm so sorry I caused this, so so sorry..."

"I look better like this anyway." You mumbled.

"You'll always look perfect in my eyes. But we do need to get you a Nando's or something... Come on babe, we're going out."

C A L U M ;

The day after Calum had said that "you made your skin worse by using foundation" you knew you had to do something to please him.

You spent the day shopping around town, buying special face washes, creams and new makeup.

You didn't realise how much you bought until it was spread out all over the bathroom cabinets. Calum noticed and became suspicious.

"So you went shopping today?" Calum asks, joining you in bed that night.

"Yeah, needed some stuff." You reply, not looking at him.

"Why have you been acting strange around me today?" He asks.

"Why? Oh I don't know, maybe I never realised how much having bad skin would annoy my boyfriend." You mumbled.

"Shit..." He cursed.

"Yeah. Is that all you have to say?" You reply.

"No... Babe I'm sorry, I just had a bad day and thought I'd use someone else's insecurities to cover up my own. I didn't mean that, you're beautiful just the way you are."

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