24. Insecurities

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A S H T O N ;

You slowly stepped on the scales, taking a deep breath before looking at the number.

You've put weight on. You knew it.

You don't know whether you're upset or angry with yourself. Or just disappointed.

Ashton would notice. He won't love you anymore.

You then walked over the mirror and stood in front of it, facing sideways. Your stomach was sticking out, your thighs are too big... Too many flaws, too many imperfections...

"Babe? What are yo-" Ashton walked into the bedroom and saw you looking at yourself like that. "How many more times do I need to tell you that you're absolutely beautiful?"

"I don't know Ash, I just don't see it..."

"Then I'm gonna have to tell you until you believe me. You are stunning baby, you aren't fat, you aren't ugly, and you aren't anything the haters say. I love you so much, please don't do this to yourself."

L U K E ;

"My hair looks so short..." you mumble to yourself, as you comb your fingers through it.

You'd always had long, straight hair, but earlier today you decided to do something completely new and cut it short.

Luke said he loved it but you weren't sure.

"Hey baby..." Luke said, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind.

"I hate my hair Luke, it's too short and I can't do anything with it an-"

"Shh, shh. Y/N, your hair is gorgeous and it always will be, it doesn't matter what you do with it." Luke smiles, kissing your cheek and looking into the mirror. "You are absolutely stunning."

M I C H A E L ;

You're currently six months pregnant with yours and Michael's first baby and you're both really excited.

The only problem you have is the stretch marks under your stomach. They're getting more obvious every week and you hate them.

Michael notices one night before you fall asleep next to him, you're running your fingers over the purple marks on your skin. Tears start streaming down your face as your pregnancy emotions take over.

"Hey, hey beautiful, what's wrong hm?" Michael asks, kissing the tears from your cheeks.

"They look horrible Michael, there's nothing I can do and I ha-"

"Sh, it's okay babe. It just means our little girl is growing properly, yeah? They aren't horrible, they show the amazing thing you're doing by giving us a baby girl. And I love you for that."

C A L U M ;

You'd had bad skin since you were a teenager. You had tried multiple face washes and creams to help but nothing had worked.

Calum knows your insecure about your skin, you also get a lot of hate from his fans because of it.

You try to use makeup to cover it but Calum hates not seeing your natural face.

"Babe are you ready to go?" Calum asks, as you enter the kitchen where he's stood. "Go take that foundation crap off your face now."

"No Calum, I can't show my skin..." You mumble.

"Please, baby? You know I hate makeup. You're naturally beautiful and you don't need it." He kisses you before you take it all off and go out natural.

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