88. He Talks About You To The Boys -Part 1-

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A S H T O N ;

"It's Y/N," Ashton sighs, pausing the movie and picking up his ringing phone. "Hey, babe!" he says happily, "What's going on?" He listens to you talk for a minute before answering, "Okay, I'm actually in a recording session right now. Can I call you in a little bit?" You agree and he sets his phone down with a sigh, turning to his friends guiltily. "How's your recording session?" Luke asks, making Michael and Calum chuckle. "I just don't want to talk to her right now," Ashton admits with a sigh. "Why not?" Calum asks, frowning. "She's just been really depressing lately," he explains, "Always saying how much she misses me." "Don't you miss her?" Calum questions. "Yeah, of course!" Ashton responds immediately, "But talking about it just makes it worse if that makes sense. It's easier for me to just ignore the fact that I haven't seen her in three months than to talk about it all the time." His three friends nod that they understand and he sighs, "I just don't know how to tell her that." "I think you just did," Luke mutters, picking up Ashton's phone that had been set on the table, still connected to yours. Ashton grabs the phone quickly and puts it up to his ear. "Hello?" he says timidly. You hang up and he curses, calling you back. "Shouldn't you be recording?" you snap into the phone. "Y/N, I-" "It's fine," you interrupt him, "Just call me when you're done ignoring the fact that you haven't seen me or whatever you're doing." You hang up again and he drops his phone beside him guiltily.

L U K E ;

"Guys, I need help," Luke sighs as he walks into the hotel room his three band mates are already in. "Mental help?" Michael clarifies. Luke shoots him a glare and Michael's smile drops, realizing that Luke is actually in distress. "What's up?" Calum asks, sitting up and paying attention to Luke. "Y/N is really mad at me," he explains as he sits on the edge of the bed his friends were crowded on. "What did you do?" Calum questions. "Well, I-I forgot her birthday," Luke admits. "You - how?!" Ashton asks, surprised. "It just came so quickly!" Luke defends, "I knew when it was it was just that we're touring and we were busy and it just sorta slipped my mind." "Your girlfriend's birthday slipped your mind?" Ashton repeats in shock. "I've really screwed up," Luke groans, falling back on the bed in despair. "Just call her," Michael suggests. "She didn't answer the last three times," Luke informs them. "Try again," Michael encourages. Luke sighs and pulls his phone out, dialing your number. "Put it on speaker," Calum whispers. Luke does, and to his surprise you pick up. "Hello?" you say into the phone. "Hi, Y/N, um, it's Luke," Luke says weakly. "I know," you say shortly. "Look, I'm really sorry," he sighs, not knowing what else to say, "I've just been so busy and-" "I get it," you interrupt him. "You - you do?" he asks in surprise. "Yeah. You're too busy for me," you state shortly. "Tell her that her present is in the mail!" Calum whispers. "Tell her that you'll leave the band if that's what it takes," Michael offers. "Luke, am - am I on speaker phone?" you ask, hearing their voices. "Yeah, but -" "Call me when you have time to talk alone," you sigh before hanging up.

M I C H A E L ;

"I swear if Y/N posts one more picture with her idiot boyfriend I'm gonna lose it," Michael mutters to his friends as he scrolls through Instagram. "You're so jealous!" Calum chuckles, poking his cheek. "Shut up," Michael snaps. "Well, you are," Calum points out. "I just don't see why she has to post so much about him," Michael defends."Because they're dating," Ashton reasons. "Yeah, but she has like a hundred pictures with him and honestly no one wants to see that," Michael tells them. "She has two," Luke chuckles, looking at your Instagram on his own phone, "And you could always unfollow her." Michael shoots him a glare and he raises his hands in surrender. "She's my best friend I'm not gonna unfollow her. It's just annoying," Michael mutters. "Because you wish it was you," Calum taunts. "Well, I'd treat her better than this guy does," Michael informs them. "What has this guy done?" Ashton questions. "I dunno," Michael mumbles, "Just not treated her as well as I would, okay?" "Okay," Ashton sighs. "Why don't you just tell her how you feel?" Luke sighs. Michael stares at him incredulously before responding, "She has a boyfriend, Luke. Haven't you been listening?" Luke rolls his eyes, tired of Michael talking in circles. Michael returns to his phone before blurting out, "She tweeted about him, too. We get it! You love your mega hot boyfriend!" "Michael," Calum chuckles, "Either do something about it or stop talking about it" "I'm just gonna report her for spam," Michael mutters, returning to his phone.

C A L U M ;

"How are things with Y/N, Cal?" Ashton asks your boyfriend, Calum as they sit in the back of the tour bus playing Mario Kart. "They're - they're good," Calum responds with a shrug. "Just good?" Luke asks, noticing Calum's hesitation. "Well, yeah," Calum admits. "Why?" Michael questions, not taking his eyes off of the screen. "She - well, we, um, we haven't had sex yet," Calum mutters, his cheeks flushing. "You haven't?!" Michael repeats in disbelief, pausing the game to give Calum his full attention. Calum sighs, shaking his head as the others stare at him in disbelief. "How long have you been dating again?" Ashton questions. "A long time," Calum groans. "And why haven't you?" Michael prompts. "I dunno," Calum mumbles, "She just says she wants to wait." "That's crazy," Michael says in disbelief, "You must really like her." "I do," Calum sighs, "but it's been a really long time." "Long time since what?" you ask, entering the room. "What? Nothing!" Calum answers immediately. You give him a questioning look and he returns his attention to the game. You look to his friends who all avoid your gaze, not wanting to be the one to admit what they were talking about. "Okay," you chuckle, knowing they won't tell you.

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