35. He Won't Let Anyone Hold Your Baby

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A S H T O N ;

A week after your daughter's birth, you and Ashton decided to have a small get together so that all of yours and his family could meet your baby. He was already very protective over your baby girl because he was so scared of anyone causing her any harm or pain.

"Are you excited to meet everyone?" You murmured to her, getting her dressed for the day.

"I'm keeping hold of her all day. She's mine," Ashton said, scooping her up into his arms and cuddling her.

"You can't have her all day, Ash. Of course our families are gonna want to hold her, you have to share, babe!" You laughed, shaking your head.

At the party, your family members had been approaching Ashton all day and true to his word, he kept hold of her!

"Y/N!" Ashton's mum shouted, as you looked over. "Ashton won't let me hold her!"

"Ashton! It's her granddaughter, hand her over. I'm sure you can cuddle her tonight." You sighed, rolling your eyes and laughing.

"Fine. But she's all mine later," he pouted, passing her over to his mum.

L U K E ;

"It will take me 5 minutes. Luke, just give her to me so I can feed her." You rubbed your temples, getting frustrated with him.

"I can just get a bottle from the fridge, you can relax!" He replied, kissing her soft baby hair.

"You know that's not the reason that you want to feed her. I can't believe you don't trust me with my own baby," you exclaimed.

Last week, your auntie had been holding your baby girl and nearly dropped her, and since then Luke didn't want to let her out of his sight or arms, even to you.

"I'm not gonna hurt her, baby. I promise," you said, holding out your arms for her.

"No. I'm getting a bottle and I'm doing it," he huffed, standing up to get her the bottle.

"You're being ridiculous, Lucas!" You shouted, shaking your head. "I need time with her too!"

"I don't care!" he replied, starting to feed her, content having her safe in his arms.

M I C H A E L ;

"Congratulations man! She's beautiful!" Harry said, gazing at the baby asleep in his arms.

It was the first show of the WWAT and Michael had decided to bring his baby along to meet everyone, including the members of One Direction.

"Thanks dude," he replied, kissing her forehead and rubbing her cheek with his thumb.

"Let me hold her now!" Niall laughed, holding his arms out to Michael.

"No, she's my baby. Back off." He replied, pretending to shield her away from them.

"Please? I won't drop her, I promise." Niall pleaded, as you approached them all.

"Don't take it personal, Niall, he wouldn't even let Ashton hold her earlier." You scoffed. "But I gave birth to her, so she's mine too. Pass her over."

He reluctantly handed her over to you, then you handed her to Niall, Michael watching over closely. You smiled, satisfied that you got your own way.

C A L U M ;

Calum was sat at your bedside, cradling his newborn baby boy to his chest. For the first 24 hours of his life, he hasn't put him down for a second and was even reluctant to let the doctors do the necessary tests on him.

There was a knock on the door and Luke, Michael and Ashton walked in, wanting to meet their new nephew.

"Congratulations, guys!" Ashton shout whispered, coming over to give you a gentle hug.

"Wow, he's pretty cute, guys. You did good." Michael smiled, standing behind Calum.

"Good luck in trying to hold him. Calum hasn't let him go since he was born!" You giggled as Calum held him even closer in his arms.

"Hey! He's mine. I don't want him getting hurt," he pouted.

"We know how to hold babies, Calum. We aren't stupid." Luke rolled his eyes.

"Go on, Cal. Let them just hold him for a little bit," you said, batting your eyelashes jokingly.

"No. He's my baby boy."

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