90. Snowed In With Your Kids

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A S H T O N ;

"Snowwww day!" your fifteen-year-old daughter, Emily, sings throughout the house. "No schoooool!" Jamie, age sixteen, joins in with a celebratory dance. "It's snowing!" your eight-year-old son, Rhys, cheers. Emily and Jamie sing a ridiculous backup harmony as Rhys makes up lyrics about the snow day, dancing through the house. "A bunch of musical geniuses," Ashton chuckles when the three of them enter the kitchen where you and Ashton are making breakfast. "Jamie's got the moves to be the next superstar," you add as Jamie fist pumps in celebration. "What are we doing today?" Emily asks, taking a seat on a stool beside the counter and looking to you expectantly. "What do you want to do?" you return with a shrug. "Let's make Christmas cookies!" Rhys suggests, seating himself next to Emily. "Cookies are excellent," Jamie agrees. "You're not going out today?" Ashton asks Jamie, surprised. "It'd be fun to stay here," Jamie says with a shrug, "Family time and all." "That's really nice, Jamie," you say, pleasantly surprised. "Yeah, just don't tell my friends," he says, laughing. "So anyway, cookies?" Ashton asks hopefully. You nod, preparing the kitchen for cookie-making. Emily hurries to pull out the flour. Ashton and Jamie work together on finding the cookie dough in the fridge. You quickly whip up some frosting - with Rhys' help, of course. The annual cookie-making process begins, complete with a few trays of burnt cookies, some spilled flour, and Rhys' licked fingers somehow getting into every bowl of frosting. "Rhys, wash your hands!" Jamie laughs, taking a pinch of flour and tossing it in his direction. "Hey, don't throw food," Ashton scolds as he flings a bit of cookie dough towards Jamie. "Ashton, I just mopped!" you remind him, hitting him with a cookie. "Mum, that was the good batch!" Emily sighs, taking up a handful of frosting and chucking it your way. "Food fight!" Rhys calls just before the kitchen erupts in chaos. Slipping and sliding on flour, the five of you run around the kitchen, dodging handfuls of frosting and anything else you can find to throw. Finally the excitement dies down and you're left to look around your disastrous kitchen. "You're all helping clean this," you tell your kids with a laugh.

L U K E ;

"I'm bored," your five-year-old son, Troye, whines, collapsing on the carpet in a miserable heap. "Well let's do something then," you laugh, taking a seat beside him on the floor. "Are we playing a game?" Luke asks eagerly, coming to join you with your daughter, Troye's twin, in tow. "What do you wanna do?" you ask your kids with a smile. "Let's build a fort!" Rachel suggests eagerly. You look to Troye in hopes of him agreeing, and are surprised to find him already on his feet. "I'll get the blankets!" he offers, hurrying toward the linen closet. While you wait for him to return you, Rachel, and Luke move around chairs to prepare for building. "A little help!" you hear Troye call from down the hall. "I'll help him," you offer, moving toward the closet. "Not if I help first!" Luke challenges, leaping in front of you and racing you down the hall. The two of you run full speed toward your son, crashing into him and his pile of blankets at the end. "Mum! Dad! You're squishing me!" Troye's muffled voice laughs from beneath you. You get to your feet, stealing the pile of blankets and running back to the living room before either Luke or Troye could stop you. "Hurry, Rachel, hide in the blankets!" you whisper, covering her with your massive pile of sheets. "Have you seen Rachel?" you ask Luke once he enters the room. "She was in here when we left," Luke answers, looking around the room. A soft giggle gives away her position, and Luke looks to the mass of fabrics knowingly. "Where could Rachel be?" he asks himself, taking a seat softly on the pile of blankets. "If only we could find her," he sighs, laying his long frame across the pile. "Dad!" you hear Rachel laugh, "I'm under here!" "Did you hear that?" Luke asks Troye, looking all around himself for a sign of his daughter. "I could've sworn I heard Rachel," Luke sighs, "But maybe it was just these talking blankets." With that his hands grab Rachel through the fabric, tickling her until her flailing limbs are exposed. "I found her!" Troye joins in, rushing at Luke and tackling him off of Rachel. "You did?" Luke laughs, "Where?" Luke looks around quickly, pretending not to see his laughing daughter. "Right there!" Troye shouts, pointing at his twin. "Ahh!" Luke yells, "How did you get under all those blankets?" The peals of laughter from Troye and Rachel fill the room as Luke smiles at you happily, glad to be with his family for Christmas.

M I C H A E L ;

You wake up to little feet jumping across your bed and a little voice shouting, "Mummy! Daddy! It's snowing!" "That's nice," you hear Michael sigh, rolling over. "Come look!" your four-year-old son, Noah, begs. You rub the sleep from your eyes as you roll over and climb out of bed. "Don't forget, Daddy!" you remind Noah as he takes your hand, "I bet he'll want to see the snow, too." "Come on, Daddy!" Noah groans, moving back to the bed to pull Michael out, "You're gonna miss it!" "Show Mommy then come back for me," Michael suggests sleepily. You sigh, pulling Noah toward you and whispering a secret plan to him. The two of you leave the room to look at the snow, but while out you each grab a large pillow and prepare for battle. "We gotta get Daddy," you tell Noah, who nods seriously. "Pillow fights are not to be taken lightly," you inform him, "This is what we've been training for!" "Sir, yes sir!" Noah shouts, saluting you. Before heading to the bedroom you make a stop to find Noah's finger paint, using it as war paint under your eyes. "What's the plan, Mummy?" Noah whispers as you sneak down the hallway to your room. "Tiptoe in," you begin, "You count to three and then we attack." Noah does as told, taking position by the foot of the bed and saying quietly, "One, two, THREE!" You swing your pillow at the same time as your son, each connecting with Michael. "Hey!" Michael shouts in surprise, sitting up begrudgingly as Noah and you clamber onto the bed for another attack. "Noah, have mercy!" Michael laughs as Noah whacks him with the pillow. "NO MERCY!" Noah calls out, jumping on Michael's stomach. You double over in laughter, left defenseless to the retaliation of Michael seconds later. "Noah, help!" you squeal as Michael hits you playfully with the pillow. "I'll save you, Mummy!" Noah offers, ramming head first into Michael and knocking him to the floor, toppling on top of him. "That's it," Michael threatens, "I'm gonna get ya!" He reaches for Noah, tickling him ruthlessly. The rest of the day is spent with various forms of attacks, but not before Noah has the chance to include Michael in the war paint.

C A L U M ;

"Look at the snow, Gabby!" Calum says, pointing out the window to show your seven-year-old daughter the fast-falling snow. "Wow," she sighs, pressing her face against the glass to get a better look, "Does this mean no school?" She looks to you hopefully and you chuckle, nodding your head. "Yes!" she cheers, jumping in excitement. "What do you wanna do today?" Calum asks her. "A movie!" she answers instantly, scurrying off to pick out a film. She returns to the couch seconds later with Frosty the Snowman in her hands. "My favorite movie!" Calum exclaims. "Daddy, it's for kids!" Gabby laughs, shaking her head. "Oh," Calum says, looking crestfallen, "So I can't watch it?" "Well, I guess you and mummy can watch with me," Gabby sighs dramatically. "Yes!" Calum cheers, getting comfortable on the couch and pulling Gabby up next to him. You pop the movie in and head to the kitchen to make hot chocolate for the three of you. "Wait!" Gabby shouts, "We can't start without Mummy!" "Mummy," you hear Calum call, "Are you coming or what?" "I'm making hot chocolate for my two kids," you answer, entering the room to give Calum a pointed look. "Ooh!" Calum cheers, high-fiving your daughter as she giggles. You roll your eyes, shaking your head, but laughing all the same at Calum's childlike behavior. "Is it almost done, Mummy?" Gabby asks with a sweet smile. "Yeah, Mummy," Calum adds with a playful grin. "Almost," you laugh, returning to the kitchen. Seconds later Calum zooms in with Gabby on his back, shrieking with laughter. "We're here for our hot chocolate!" Calum informs you. "Here," you laugh, handing him two mugs. "I love you," Calum confirms, pecking your lips. "Ew!" Gabby squeals from her place on Calum's back. "Hey, that's not nice," Calum tells Gabby. "I love you, Mummy!" Gabby tells you. "I love you both," you respond with a laugh, following them into the living room to settle in for the movie. Gabby burrows her way between you and Calum on the couch, smiling giddily up at you and Calum as the movie begins.

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