11. What You Two Do On Lazy Days

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A S H T O N ;

You bake. Ashton loves to bake with you, he says it's fun and that you're an amazing baker. You bake any kinds of sweet foods, just whatever you feeling like making.

L U K E ;

You cuddle and watch movies. Luke loves to just lie with you and have movie marathons. He lets you pick the movies most of the time but you let him pick some too.

M I C H A E L ;

You play video games for the whole day. Michael is very competitive when it comes to video games so when you beat him, he goes off in a huff with you. He always wants to win.

C A L U M ;

You order pizza, lie in bed and talk. You and Calum love pizza. You both say you could eat it for the rest of your lives if you had no choice. So you both order in lots of pizza and share it, talking about anything and everything.

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