22. He Helps You Face Your Fear

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A S H T O N ;

"Ashton, please don't make me go," you murmur, snuggled in bed early in the morning with him.

"I'm sorry babe, you know you have to," he replies, pulling you closer to him.

"But I'm scared Ash, please don't make me go." You whimper, tears filling your eyes. "You know how much I hate needles."

"Baby please don't do this to me..." He says, quietly. "I can't stop you, it's important! What if you didn't have it and then got a serious illness? I'd never forgive myself."

"I'll be okay without it As-"

"No, I'm sorry but you have to go." He sighs, kissing you gently.

You turn up at the doctors, holding Ashton's hand and shaking like a leaf. The doctor injects you as Ashton is making you smile, trying to cause distraction and it works. "I'm proud of you, gorgeous."

L U K E ;

You stood in line with Luke, behind the rest of the lads. You were shaking so much, you were terrified.

"Baby, you're really shaking," Luke says, taking your hand in his.

"I know," you reply, taking a deep breath. "I'm scared of flying..."

"Oh Y/N... You should have told me, babe!" Luke replied, suddenly feeling guilty. "What are you scared of?"

"What if the plane crashes? Or it gets hijacked or something? W-What if-"

"Hey, shh. It's okay baby, nothing like that will happen. I'll protect you, okay?" He smiles, pulling you into his side and wrapping his arm around your side before kissing your head.

"We'll be okay, baby, we'll be okay." He murmurs into your ear, stepping onto the plane.

Turns out he was right, and you weren't scared of flying anymore, knowing that Luke would always be there for you.

M I C H A E L ;

"Please come swimming with us Y/N! It's more fun with you babe!" Michael pleads, swimming to the edge of the hotel pool.

"I don't want to, Mikey..." You reply, feeling stupid.

"Why not babe? I thought you loved swimming?" He asks, confused look on his face.

"No... I-I um...." You stutter.

"C'mere sweetie." Michael smiles, hopping out of the pool and walking towards you. "What's wrong?"

"I can't swim Michael. I'm terrified of water..." You sigh, tears in your eyes.

"That's okay! Babe, you should have just told me, I'd of understood. Shall I teach you?" he asks, pulling you into a hug.

"I suppose so..?"

He gets you into the water and helps you float around and makes sure that you always feel safe and know that he's there. He helps you until you can do it by yourself and he stops you from being scared of the water.

C A L U M ;

"C'mon babe, please come with us! It'll be so fun, just us and the lads," Calum pleads.

It's a hot summers day and Calum is trying to convince you to go to a theme park with him and the boys; the only problem being that you're terrified of roller coasters.

You once went with your friends and you got stuck on one of the roller coasters, since then you haven't been on one.

"I can't Cal, I'm scared.." You whisper.

"Don't you trust me? I'll protect you babe, I'll keep you safe. Nothing will happen to you, I promise."

"Fine, but if anything happens Cal-"

"Nothing will, I promise."

You go to the theme park with them and actually have a great time. You were terrified but Calum held your hand the whole time and made sure you were okay.

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