17. You Do A Keek With Him

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A S H T O N ;

"Hey guys," Ashton said into the camera of his phone, looking up at you and then laughing, looking back down at the camera. "Y/N is just doing her sound check," Ashton joked as he turned the phone to you. You were on the stage, sitting on the seat at Ashton's drums and you were pounding loudly on them, not caring - or knowing - how ridiculous you looked. You looked up at the front of the stage where Ashton was filming you and laughed. "That was great, baby," Ashton was laughing too, shaking his head at your antics.

"I have a whole set list if you'd like to hear it," you replied, attempting to spin the drum sticks in your hands but failing miserably, the sticks flying to the ground. Ashton laughed again, turning the camera back towards him.

"If I'm deaf tonight for the concert, you guys know why," he ended the Keek, putting the phone down and running towards you before you could pick up the drum sticks and clasping your wrists in his large hands. "I think that's enough drums for you, Y/N," he chuckled and you pouted.

"Well let's do something else that's fun!" You jumped up, grabbing his hand and pulling him behind you as you ran off stage.

L U K E ;

"Hey guys," Ashton grinned at the camera. "So Luke and Y/N are about to have a race," he said, turning the camera to face where you and Luke were. The two of you were on what looked like a bouncy castle, your waists tied up with an elastic rope.

"I'm going to smash you," you said, getting into running position as Ashton held up his hand to count you both down.

"Bring it but I'm going to crush you like a bug, apple pie," he smirked and you rolled your eyes. One of your old aunts called you 'apple pie' and you absolutely hated it, having no idea why she called you it and Luke knew this and called you the name to tease you.

"Screw you," you muttered and he chuckled.

"Can't we save that for tonight, babe?" he asked and you shot him a look for his dirty mind as he laughed.

"GO!" Ashton shouted. You and Luke took off, both of you going at the same speed. You smirked to yourself as you ran.

"I like your dick," you muttered and Luke stopped, completely taken aback by the random comment from you. Once he stopped, he flung back like a rubber band, hitting the back of the inflatable castle with an oomph. You stopped and laughed, raising your fist in the air in victory. You screamed immediately when the rope had you flying back as well because you had stopped and you too hit the back of the castle with an oomph.

"...Right." The Keek ends as Ashton pulls a slightly scared and confused face on the events that just took place.

M I C H A E L ;

"Hey guys!" Ashton grins at the camera. "So basically, Michael and Y/N are having a bit of a competition," he turns the phone around to show you and Michael with large slushy drinks in your hands. "Whoever gets a brain freeze first or just can't take the frozen goodness any longer, loses!" Ashton explained before counting you down.

"Three.. Two.. One.. GO!"

You and Michael started immediately, sipping the frozen drink quickly, both narrowing your eyes at each other teasingly.

The frozen drink cooled your body instantly, making you shiver slightly from the sudden amount you were drinking non-stop. You saw Michael start to squint and you grinned, knowing that he was about to get a brain freeze and that you would win the competition between the two of you.

The coldness of the drink started to rush to your head and you started to squint as well. Shit, you thought as you knew a brain freeze was coming ahead as well. At the same time, you and Michael both pulled the drinks away and you hands went flying to your heads as you both got brain freezes. You could hear the other boys laughing at the sight of the both of you.

"We win!" Ashton cried, the phone now facing him, Luke and Calum. The three boys cheered loudly as the Keek ended. You and Michael are still groaning in pain and over exaggerating your brain freezes like the drama queens you are.

C A L U M ;

"Hey guys," Ashton looks mock disturbed, the smirk on his face saying that he's trying not to crack up laughing. Luke leans over by Ashton's shoulder, mirroring his expression.

"I have no idea what we're witnessing here," Luke said as Ashton turned the camera. You and Calum were attempting to waltz around the living room to a Chris Brown album. You ended up stepping on his toes frequently and he was dragging you around like a rag doll. The two of you were laughing, knowing that you must've looked as ridiculous as you felt.

The song changed and you and Calum started jumping around crazily, flailing your arms about everywhere. You jumped on to Calum's back and his hands grabbed onto your thighs, securing you to his back.

"Danger's calling, Cal," you said in the deepest voice out of the blue and Calum gasped, looking off into the distance dramatically before taking off into a sprint to the stairs and out of the camera.

"They're such a weird couple," Michael muttered and Ashton laughed, waving to the camera before the Keek ended.

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