32. He Hits You -Calum&Luke- •Part 2•

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L U K E ;

You wake up tucked into bed and instantly smell bacon. Confused, you sit up and notice Luke isn't in bed. You get up and look at your reflection in the mirror, sighing when you see the blueish swelling along your jawline. You head out to the kitchen, and laugh immediately when you see Luke in the kitchen. "Oh, hey," he mumbles, smiling at you warily. "What are you doing?" You ask, taking a seat on a bar stool and watching him. "I thought I'd make you breakfast," he sighs, looking down at the pan in front of him. "It's so burned!" You giggle, picking up something that must have once been bacon. "So is my hand," Luke points out, raising his hand and inspecting it. "Awe, baby," you reach over the counter and take his hand gently, looking at the red spot. "And I used all the bacon," he mumbles. You laugh again shaking your head at Luke. "I made coffee, though!" he says excitedly, rushing to the coffee pot and pouring some for you, adding creamer and setting it in front of you. "You're the best," you sigh contentedly, resting your chin in your hand. You wince, drawing back immediately when your hand touches the bruise he left yesterday. You fake a smile and pick up your coffee mug, taking a long sip so that you don't have to look at Luke's concerned face. When you set the cup down, he is still watching you anxiously. "Stop looking at me like that," you say defensively. "I'm sorry," Luke says, and you know he isn't talking about looking at you. "Can we not talk about it?" you ask, examining your coffee to avoid Luke's gaze. "I feel like we need to," Luke persists, sitting next to you. "It was an accident," you say, hoping he'd drop it. "It shouldn't have happened," he points out, frowning. "It's over," you say, finally meeting his eyes. "I forgive you. You didn't mean to. It was an accident and a lot was going on and I forgive you." You nod, signaling that the conversation was over. "I love you," Luke says seriously. You kiss him softly, letting that be your reply.

C A L U M ;

You woke up to Calum gently shaking your shoulder. "Babe," he coos, "Babe you gotta get up." You sit up, unsure of how you got into bed last night. "What happened?" You murmur, subconsciously touching the back of your head."You fell asleep on the floor," he explains, sitting on the edge of the bed, "So I moved you to the bed." He shrugged, trying to seem casual, but you could tell things were different now. "I think you lost a lot of blood," he adds, biting his lip and looking at you nervously.You look down, not knowing what to say. "Uh, y/n, the - the police are here," Calum says, tears pooling in his eyes, "They got a call from the neighbors last night and they just wanna talk to you. Ya know, make sure nothing happened." He looks at you apprehensively and you nod, getting to your feet. You start toward the door before turning back to look at Calum, who quickly tries to hide the anxious look on his face. "I slipped," you say quietly. He gives you a questioning look and you go on. "We were fighting and you were gonna leave, so I ran after you and slipped. You didn't touch me." Calum nods, his lips forming a grateful, timid smile. You leave the room and tell the police exactly what you told Calum, trying to sound lighthearted. Finally they leave, looking suspicious but not being able to do anything further, and you return to the bedroom where Calum still sits. He looks up at you as you enter, and you can see the pain in his eyes. "They're gone," you say quietly, "They can't do anything about it if I don't admit to it happening." He nods slowly, looking down at his hands. "I wanna get past this," you say, sitting beside him, "Can we forget it happened?" Calum looks at you and smiles before mumbling, "I love you."

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