61. He Meets Your Over-Protective Brother For The First Time

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A S H T O N ;

Ashton would try and be the 'big' man to your face, saying how he was fine with meeting your brother, and he couldn't wait. But if you left him alone for a couple of minutes, he'd start panicking and wondering where you'd gone because he swore that your brother would come in the room and kill him at any second. He seemed to be like this the whole time and you laughed at how innocent he was acting, but Ashton swore he would get revenge on you because he found none of this funny. It turned out, that by the end of the night, Ashton was fine because both him and your brother had one topic they both liked to discuss; you.

L U K E ;

Luke would be so nervous he'd constantly be checking his reflection in every shiny source of light he saw on the way to the park or where you're all gathering for some 'family' time and he'd panic about the clothes he was wearing but you'd laugh and kiss his cheek and tell him to stop being so nervous. Once he was there, it helped that the rest of your family already liked him, so he eased a little, but as soon as he saw the way your brother looked at him, he slipped back into his nervous little shell. It was only when your brother struck up a conversation with Luke that you realised they have a lot in common and Luke felt at home.

M I C H A E L ;

Michael would pretend he isn't nervous about meeting your brother at all, I mean, he's only about 5 or 6 years older than him, what's the big deal? But really, he would be shitting bricks waiting for your brother to arrive at the restaurant for your birthday meal. He wanted to seem like the perfect gentleman, but he'd heard so many stories about how your brother hounded your exes like dogs that he didn't think he could keep his cool. It's a good job you managed to keep to conversation flowing about your brother's new job and his girlfriend, because Michael wouldn't dare speak for half of the time.

C A L U M ;

Calum had tried to make out that he was sick, so he couldn't go with you to visit your family this weekend, when you knew it was because your brother was living back at home for a while and Calum had avoided him up until now. When you finally reached your front door, it was swung open by your loving brother, who looked so happy to see you, but his face soon changed when he saw your doting boyfriend with his hand around your waist. You managed to whisper to your brother to behave, because after all, you weren't some 12 year old girl with her first crush any more, you were a mature and responsible young woman in an actual relationship, it's just your brother forgot that sometimes.

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