14. When Your Baby Cries

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A S H T O N ;

He giggles for a moment when she cries because her cry is so cute and innocent, then he stops and picks her to up to cradle her in his huge arms and rock her back and forth, trying to cease her cries. "Okay, Daddy's sorry for laughing at you. You can stop crying now.." He'd murmur, kissing her forehead and continuing to rock her until she quietened down.

L U K E ;

He won't put her down until he knows she's definitely okay. He hates the thought of his baby girl being in pain and he has to comfort her before she gets worse. "What's troubling you, hm?" He'd murmur, resting her against his chest and swaying himself, hoping the motion would soothe her. "It's alright. No need to cry." He'd continue to talk to her and cuddle her until she stopped.

M I C H A E L ;

At first, he always panicked when he heard the cries of his son because he didn't know exactly what to do, and he just had to do something on the spot, which was usually singing. He'd think of a random song and just hum and sing the tune whilst patting the baby's back softly and bouncing lightly. He was always surprised that he could comfort the baby, having doubts in himself as a Dad, but he was amazing.

C A L U M ;

He can't stand the sound of his baby boy crying because it means that he's unhappy, and Calum hates that. He has a mental checklist that he goes through, like "Does he need feeding, changing etc..." and if it isn't any of those reasons, and he just wants to cuddle, that's what he'll do. He sits in the rocking chair with him held against his chest, rubbing his back and rocking him to sleep.

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