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chapter 24

Caroline cried silently as she watched her dead father be dragged out of the room.

"Who are you?!" She shouted at 'Tyler' tears streaming down her face

"I'm Nadia, Katherine's daughter." Tyler's voice said, coming through Tyler's body, "I'm sorry for how I look but my body is still in recovery, I needed a safe place to stay until Matt finally listened and brought my body to me. And Tyler was kind enough to allow me the use of his."

Caroline felt a lump in her throat as she thought about Katherine, "Katherine's family is dead! And besides, we haven't seen Katherine in months."

" know you haven't seen Katherine, that's why I want your help, I want to convince the Bennett witch to bring her to me, and I want Klaus to stop chasing after her. Besides, I promised Tyler that in exchange for the body I'd convince you how evil Klaus is." Nadia said with a sigh, unwrapping the bands from her wrists, "I am quite sorry about your dad, but I just wanted to take away what your little boy toy took from me, a parent"

Caroline didn't say anything as tears poured from her eyes, the minute her hands where free she leaped towards her father and cradled him whispering, "I'm gonna save you, Daddy, it's all gonna be fine, w-we can watch Inception-like you wanted and e-eat popcorn! We'll be closer than ever." Caroline said as she but her wrist and tried desperately to get it into his system.  But it wasn't working, his neck was snapped and he was dead

"Y-you're a monster!" Caroline Shouted, hugging her dad's body snug against her chest

"Comes with the name Petrova dear," The woman said, grabbing Caroline's weak arm and dragging her back to the chair, "I do reckon I don't need to tie you up, a few days without blood should suffice."

Caroline nodded as she felt a surge of adrenaline and as she turned her back caroline broke the leg of the chair and ran towards her, tackling Nadia to the ground, and raised the stake. Nadia had a split second of paralysis as she grabbed Caroline's neck and threw her against the wall, her age and the fact she drank from the vein helping her.

"I wouldn't try that again," Nadia said as she gripped the girl's neck harder.

"Why not try this, you bitch!" Carolien said, slamming her hand in the boy's groin. Nadia doubled back in pain and released Caroline's neck, "Problem with choosing a boy's body, you've got their weaknesses.

"I brought the body Nadia-" Matt started before seeing the two girls fight

"Matt! You need to run! She's compelled you!" Carolien Shouted, pulling Nadia's hair tightly

"Matt leave the body and go," Nadia said, stomping her heeled boot into Caroline's foot, impaling it to the floor, causing a moan of pain

Caroline saw as his eyes got smaller, he was lying, he hadn't been compelled. Matt gave her an apologetic look and ran out of the room, leaving a brown-haired girl's body on the floor.

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