Pranking Lockhart (Professor!Reader)

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(There's no real pairing in this, but it does feature several professors, the Weasley twins, and one poltergeist that was sadly left out of the movies.) 

There was hardly a dull moment teaching at Hogwarts, especially when you taught some of the most...creative and inventive students. You were, of course, thinking about Fred and George Weasley. Of all the Weasleys you'd taught before, they were the most mischievous and the most fun. That was certainly true when Gilderoy Lockhart was hired as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award, was an absolute idiot in your mind. He was an arrogant narcissist who thought more about his looks than anything else. He seemed to believe the world would just fall at his feet, yourself included. So it came as no small pleasure when Lockhart became the newest victim of a Weasley prank.

When you glanced up to see Lockhart entering the Great Hall, you had to fight back a gasp and then a chuckle. His normally golden hair was the color of a plum, clashing horribly with his choice of robes for the day. The bright smile that usually painted his face was replaced by a sullen pout.

"An interesting choice of color today, Gilderoy," Dumbledore commented. You looked around the table to see the other professors biting back laughs. Poor, typically reserved Minerva was turning beet red as she fought to hold in the laugh very clearly bubbling in her throat. You were right there along with her, as was Filius. Even Severus was smirking a bit. If nothing else, the prank united several professors for a good laugh. "Hmm? Oh yes, quite. It seems I'm being welcomed in a most unique fashion by a few students."

"Surely you don't believe a student is responsible, Gilderoy?" you spoke up, choking down a laugh, "Perhaps there was a mix up at the apothecary or perhaps Peeves was up to his tricks." Peeves was at your elbow in an instant. "Not me. Not me. But I like what I see so you won't get a hint of who it could be." It drove you nuts when he spoke in rhyme. You shooed Peeves away before Argus could come barging in yelling at the poltergeist. "Nevermind, I'm certain it will be sorted by tomorrow," Gilderoy claimed with a smile.

*time skip*

It most definitely was not sorted the next day. Or even the day after that. You had no idea what it was the twins did, but you were grateful every day for the laugh. Gilderoy's hair color changed every single day and never once did the color match or even coordinate with his robes. It went on for nearly a month before you finally decided to "catch" the twins. You couldn't let it go on forever. You wouldn't be a very good professor if you did.

"Mr. Weasley and Mr. Weasley, please stay a moment," you said after your class. They froze where they were and waited. "Something wrong, Professor?" they asked at the same time. "I'm afraid so. I know you two are the ones behind what is happening to Professor Lockhart. It has to stop," you said, looking at them. You hoped you sounded at least a little stern. You were really enjoying Gilderoy's ever-changing hair after all.

"It was just a little welcome, Professor." You shrugged. "Be that as it may, I'm afraid I have to take you to Professor McGonagall. As she's your Head of House, she will discipline you accordingly. Come along." The twins followed behind you to Minerva's office. Minerva looked up when you entered.

"Minerva, I've found the students responsible for Gilderoy's mishap." Minerva looked at the twins sternly over her glasses. "Why am I not surprised?" Fred and George gave her identical, charming grins, but didn't reply. "You do realize how wrong your actions were? Having to take points from my own House is embarrassing. Severus will never let me hear the end of it," she said. The smiles fell a little.

"Still, it must be done. I think five points would be sufficient, don't you, Y/N?" she asked, shooting you a grin. That's one of the things you admired in her. As stern as she was, she still had a mischievous streak in her. "Oh, most assuredly." The twins looked between you and her, not daring to believe what they were hearing. Were they really going to get away with only a five point deduction? "After all, no one was truly harmed and, as Fred and George told me, they were merely trying to welcome Gilderoy in their own unique fashion."

Minerva's smile grew and she pushed a plate of biscuits toward the twins. "Have a biscuit, boys." The smiles returned to the twins' faces as they each reached for a biscuit. "Y/N?" You took one for yourself. "Don't mind if I do. I was laughing a bit too hard at Gilderoy's hair this morning to eat. However did you manage to get his hair to turn that shocking shade of tangerine?" Before the twins could reply, Minerva told you not to encourage them and sent them on their way with a promise not to mess with Gilderoy's hair any more.

The next morning, it appeared as though the twins were true to their word. Gilderoy's hair was back to its natural hue. "Good morning, Gilderoy," you greeted. He flashed you a smile and you nearly fell out of your seat. "Gilderoy...what on earth have you done to your teeth?" Severus asked in his usual drawl. Gilderoy peered into the nearest reflective surface and looked like he would faint. You couldn't resist laughing any longer. The twins had certainly not done anything with Gilderoy's hair. Minerva hadn't said anything about his teeth, however. You met Minerva's gaze and the two of you hid laughter behind your hands as you shook your heads at the Weasley twins. 

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