Collision (Viktor Krum x fem!reader)

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(Takes place after the events of Goblet of Fire)

Viktor Krum was a lot of things. Tough, broad shouldered, athletic, brilliant. He was one of the best Seekers in professional Quidditch and a hopeless romantic. He didn't even try to deny that one. There were so many words that could describe Viktor, but shy was never one of them. That is, until he met you.

During a match, Viktor suddenly felt something speed passed him. The sound that met his ears told him that it was a Bludger. He looked over his shoulder briefly, but it was long enough. He didn't see the second Bludger heading his way. Nor did he see you, one of the Beaters on the other team. It wasn't until he heard the smack of the paddle that he looked back a second too late. Before either of you could stop yourselves, you crashed right into each other.

Viktor slipped from his broom and he felt panic in his chest. Luckily for him, you were somehow able to stay on your broom and grab him before he fell too far. With his help, you hoisted Victor up onto your broom behind you. "Bit early in our relationship for you fall for me, don't you think?" you teased. Viktor felt his face flush. He was used to people flirting with him. It wasn't a boast, just a fact. But this was different. More playful. Viktor had no idea how to respond to that.

You flew him safely down to the ground as his team captain called for a time out. Before flying back up, you smiled and winked at him, causing his face to turn bright red. The young man couldn't remember a time when he'd felt shy or unsure. As he watched you fly off, Viktor decided that this would be the last time. If you could make him a mess with only a few words, then he was going to do the same to you.

*time skip*

You laughed at Viktor as he gave you a smirk from across the circle. The game was about to start and the flirting between you and Viktor was getting on everyone's nerves. Neither of you cared though. You loved this odd flirty rivalry you had with Viktor. Every time Viktor smiled at you, you knew he felt the same way. Throughout each match, you flirted and teased and tried to knock each other off your game. And when the matches were over, you would continue to flirt in a more private setting, such as in the local pub with a warm Butterbeer or Fire Whiskey.

Viktor loved it. He really did, but he kept the true nature of your relationship a secret from the rest of his team. He didn't want the press to get wind of it, especially Rita Skeeter. After everything with the Triwizard Tournament, he'd avoided the press as much as possible. A relationship would bring them flocking. That didn't stop Viktor from wanting something more than friendship or whatever rivalry you had, however, and he would tell you in the most public way possible.

The biggest game of the season was upon you and your rivalry with Viktor was in top form. Even though you were playing against each other and tensions were high, the two of you just couldn't seem to help it. Viktor was in awe of you for the entire match. You flirted and joked each time you flew past him, yet you still played your hardest. You didn't want to let your team down no matter how much you liked Viktor.

The game seemed to last forever, but that's how Viktor liked it. He felt most at peace in the air on his broom. His eyes were continuously scanning for the Snitch. The game was close when he heard the sound of a Bludger approaching. He quickly dipped lower to avoid it and caught sight of the golden ball he was looking for. As he sped forward, he heard the collective sound from the stands that usually accompanied an injury, but he had already reached his target.

Viktor's hand wrapped around the Snitch just the opposing team captain, your captain, called for a time out. It was a little too late. He had caught the Snitch and the game was over. His victory was short lived however when he saw your team circled around you on the ground.

You were sitting up, but your arm was most definitely not okay. Viktor quickly touched back down to the ground and rushed over to you. He kept mumbling things in his native language as he dropped to his knees next to you, fear shooting through him. You laughed a little.

"You know I don't understand a word of what you just said, don't you?" you asked teasingly. Viktor narrowed his eyes. He didn't appreciate the jest at the moment. Not until he was sure you'd be alright. Seeing this, you sighed. "I'm fine, Viktor. Really. It's not the first time I've been hit. Part of the job, really." Viktor let out a huff of relief. At least you were well enough to read his emotions. Before he could reply, however, the healer that was always on standby came over and fixed your arm.

Viktor helped you to stand and you smiled up at him. "I was so worried, moya lyubov," he admitted softly. Your smiled widened. "Worried? The great Viktor Krum was worried about me? Well I'm honored, sir." Viktor rolled his eyes as a small grin came to his lips. He could faintly hear his team (and the audience) celebrating their win in the background, but he didn't care. Without even really thinking it through, Viktor wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close and whispered something else in Bulgarian.

"Viktor! You know I don't-" you were cut off by his forehead resting against yours. His dark eyes closed. "I would like to kiss you," he told you. "Please," you answered back just as softly. He didn't need to be invited a second time and his lips were soon pressed against yours.

Cameras flashed and the crowd cheered, but Viktor paid themno mind for the moment. His sole focus was you and how your lips felt against his. When he pulled back, he let out a happy sigh. "Be mine?" he asked."Only if you'll be mine as well," came your reply before your teammates  got your attention so that Viktor's team could finally celebrate their victory properly. "Until later, moya lyubov," he promised and you nodded then stole one last kiss for the night.

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