Hopelessly Devoted (Fred Weasley x fem!reader x George Weasley)

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(Song!fic based on the song "Hopelessly Devoted" from Grease! Mostly angst)

You had always prided yourself on being able to keep your true feelings under wraps. Well, except the ones for your friend, Fred, at least. You were in sixth year along with Fred and his twin, George and the two of them were your closest friends. It had started your second year when the twins had decided to prank you. Instead of getting upset, you laughed it off. From that moment, you became thick as thieves. But you were always closer to Fred, discovering your real feelings for him when you were in fifth year.

"Oi, Y/N!" You jumped and smiled at Fred. "Yeah?" Fred chuckled lightly. "Do you have a date for the Ball?" Your heart jumped to your throat. Was he going to ask you? Did he feel the same way? It took you a few seconds to remember that he was waiting for an answer. Licking your lips, you shook your head. You were really just trying to keep your emotions in check at that point. It would turn out to be a good idea.

"Great! I was hoping you could go with George." The heart you had felt pounding in your throat instantly dropped to your feet. "G-George? You want me to go to the Yule Ball with your brother?" Fred flashed you that charming smile of his and nodded. "Yeah. I'm taking Angelina but George doesn't have a date yet. I can't leave my twin all by his lonesome. So what do you say?"

You wanted to scream. You wanted to call him stupid and thick for noticing how you felt about him. Everyone else seemed to know. But you couldn't tell him now. Now when he so clearly had feelings for Angelina. "Sure, Fred," you told him in a whispered tone so your voice wouldn't crack, "If George wants to go with me, I'll go." Fred hugged you close before quickly pulling away. "Thanks, Y/N! I'll go tell George." He ran off and you felt the tears well up in your eyes. You felt your heart breaking.

Guess mine is not the first heart broken
My eyes are not the first to cry
I'm not the first to know there's
Just no getting over you

A few moments later, you felt someone sit next to you. You wiped away your tears. "Oh come on, I'm not that bad, am I?" You couldn't help but giggle softly at George. He wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "'M sorry." You shrugged a bit. It wasn't George's fault and you told him so. "I should move on, George...but I can't. I-I love him. So much." George hugged you and pressed a kiss to your temple. You smiled through your tears.

"Thanks, George. You really don't have to go with me. I don't think I'll be a very fun date." George snorted. "You're no fun anyway." You shoved him playfully as you both laughed. When Fred came back into the room, you felt your chest tighten. He smiled at you both before turning to Angelina. "I'll go with you, Y/N. Fred doesn't know what he's missing. And you can't wait for him forever. He's too thick to get it."

You wanted to agree with him, but you couldn't. You knew Fred was the one for you. You didn't know how you knew, but you did. And now you felt like a fool because he clearly didn't feel the same way for you. You felt the aching burn of rejection. You felt pushed aside, especially since Angelina had just started showing feelings for Fred when you had been there for years. Not that you blamed her.

You know I'm just a fool who's willing
To sit around and wait for you
But baby can't you see there's nothing else for me to do
I'm hopelessly devoted to you

But now there's no way to hide
Since you pushed my love aside
I'm outta my head hopelessly devoted to you
Hopelessly devoted to you
Hopelessly devoted to you

The night of the Yule Ball arrived quicker than you could have imagined. As you prepped with Hermione and Ginny, you tried to keep your spirits up. It was hard knowing that you weren't going with the guy you wanted to go with. Not that there was anything wrong with George. Except that he wasn't Fred.

"Oh, Y/N, George is going to be speechless when he sees you," Ginny exclaimed. You chuckled. "Sure, Ginny." You stood and smoothed down your (f/c) gown. You were finally ready to go down and meet George outside the Great Hall. "See you around," you said, leaving the room quickly before you could change your mind.

Ginny was right about George. The minute he saw you, his jaw dropped. "Wow, Y/N, you look-I mean-wow." You giggled, but cut your eyes over to Fred. He smiled at you, but nothing more. So, you turned your attention back to George. "Shall we?" George asked, offering his arm with an overly dramatic bow. You rolled your eyes and took his arm. "We shall."

You danced with George for hours, determined to forget Fred, if only for the night. It was a little difficult since George looked just like him, but the two were pretty different in certain aspects too. George made it his mission to keep you smiling and laughing the entire night. He was successful for the most part. Still, every once in a while, you'd feel a tugging at your heart when you saw Fred with Angelina. There was just no way you could forget Fred for more than that night, if at all.

My head is saying fool forget him
My heart is saying don't let go
Hold on to the end, that's what I intend to do
I'm hopelessly devoted to you

"How 'bout another drink?" George asked after about your tenth dance or so. You nodded happily. George grabbed your hand and pulled you over to the table with the punch. He grabbed glasses for the two of you. He turned to you, but you only barely noticed. Across the room, your eyes had once again found Fred. Only this time, you were pretty certain your heart ripped in two.

George followed your gaze and froze. Fred was there, kissing Angelina. George looked back at your face and registered the pain. "Hey," he whispered, but you weren't listening. You turned and practically ran from the Great Hall. George sighed heavily before putting the glasses down. He had never been more disappointed in his twin than right now. He quickly followed after you.

But now there's no way to hide
Since you pushed my love aside
I'm outta my head hopelessly devoted to you
Hopelessly devoted to you
Hopelessly devoted to you

George found you outside on bench, not caring that snow was falling and sticking to your (h/c) hair that was done so elegantly. He didn't say a word, just sat down next to you and waited. It didn't take long. "Why?" you squeaked. George sighed and pulled you close to him. "I don't know, Y/N. It's not like him to be that thick. I even tried to tell him that you fancied him. He didn't believe me."

You sniffled. "Hey, no matter what, I'm here for you. Fred is my twin, but you're my friend and he hurt you." You nodded. You rested your head on his shoulder as tears continued to fall. "Thanks, Georgie. Thanks for being here for me." George kissed the top of your head. "Anytime." The two of you sat there for a while with you crying. It broke George's heart. Not just for you, but for him too. He knew now that he may never have a chance with you. See, while you were hopelessly devoted to Fred, George was hopelessly devoted to you.

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