The 2nd Task (Cedric Diggory x fem!Hufflepuff reader)

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Cedric Diggory was your best friend. You did everything together, which was made easier by the fact that you were sorted into the same House at Hogwarts. But there was more to your relationship with Cedric than met the eye. You were head over heels in love with your best friend. Yes, you were that girl. This was only made more heartbreaking by the fact it was clear, to you anyway, that Cedric was in love with Cho Chang.

You didn't have anything against Cho. She was smart and sweet and really good for Cedric. That made it worse though. It was easy to hate someone when they were vile, but you couldn't hate Cho no matter how much you tried. So you grinned and kept your love for Cedric a secret. At least, until the day of the Triwizard Tournament's second task.

The night before the task, you were summoned to Dumbledore's office. Confused, you did as you were told, only to find Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger there as well. And a little girl you didn't know. Judging by her looks, you could assume she was related to Fleur somehow. "Why are we here, Professor Dumbledore?" Hermione asked.

"Are you four aware of the task for the Champions?" You shook your head. Cedric had been keeping mum about it the whole time. You only knew that the stupid dragon egg held the clue. But Hermione nodded. "Something has been taken from each of the Champions. They have an hour to get it back from the Black Lake." Dumbledore smiled. "Very good, Miss Granger. Correct on all counts but one. It isn't something. It is someone." He glanced meaningfully at the four of you. You were going to kill Cedric Diggory.

*Time Skip to after the task*

You considered yourself slightly lucky that Cedric was fast. You were the first one rescued. But you were still annoyed. Yes, you were his best friend, but you weren't the most important person to him. Cho was. So why were you the one chained to the bottom of the bloody lake?

"Hold still. A picture for the Prophet! My readers want to know all about the Champion who surfaced first." You put on a fake smile through your shivering. Cedric had an arm wrapped around you and you wanted so badly to elbow him in the side. As soon as Rita Skeeter got what she wanted, you pushed away from Cedric and took off down the dock. You needed to get away from him.

"Y/N? Where are you going?" You didn't answer him. You just kept walking. "Y/N, slow down." Still refusing to answer him, you kept going. Unfortunately for you, Cedric wasn't only fast in the water. He quickly caught up with you. "Y/N, wait. Talk to me. Why are you angry?" At that, you finally stopped and whirled on him. "Why am I angry?! I just spent all night and half the day at the bottom of lake because of you! I have stood by your side through this tournament. I have cheered you on even when my heart was breaking." You took a breath before you continued.

"I sat back and didn't say a word when you took Cho to the Yule Ball even though I desperately wanted you to ask me. I went alone because no one else could compare to you, Cedric. I am angry because even though Cho is the most important person in your life, I was the one stuck in that damned lake! I am angry because as smart and compassionate and empathetic as you are, you can't see that I LOVE YOU, YOU DUNDERHEAD!"

Tears were pricking your eyes now and you could feel other people's eyes on you. You met on of the Weasley twins' gaze, pleading for a little help. "Alright, nothing to see here. Move on, move on." Thankfully that did the trick and they all left, leaving you and Cedric standing across from each other. Cedric still had not said a word. He was looking at you, completely dumbfounded.

"Well? Aren't you going to say anything?" you asked, your voice much softer than it had been. Cedric gave you a soft smile and took a slow step closer to you. "The reason you were in the lake, the reason you were chosen for me isn't because someone made a mistake, Y/N. Cho isn't the person I hold most dear. She never was. You are. You've always been. My best friend. My confidante. And the woman I love dearly."

You arched a brow. "You love me?" His smile grew as he nodded. "Very much. I should have told you, I know. But there's a reason I am not a Gryffindor. I am a bit of a coward, you see. I couldn't tell you. I didn't want to make a mess of what we have. Though I suppose I did that already, didn't I?" You giggled a little. Cedric was right in front of you now, making you have to peer up a little at him.

"I asked Cho to the Yule Ball because I was afraid to ask you. I spent the entire evening stepping on her toes, if that makes you feel better." You sniffled. "A little." Cedric let out a laugh as he carefully wrapped his arms around you. "Can you forgive me for being such an utter, what was it you called me? Dunderhead?" You rolled your eyes a little. "Yes. If you can forgive me for yelling at you." Cedric leaned in a little so your noses were touching. "Forgiven and forgotten. I love you, Y/N." 

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